Hey all,
I'm going to try and keep this within that "tldr" barrier - so long story very short:
I've got a buddy who is fairly new to guitar. He is very much into country music as is looking for a new instrument (He has a MIM Fender strat right now - a Highway One, I believe)... And he wants to go american Fender tele.
However, he's on a bit of a budget and knows relatively little about guitar gear. Seeing as there is a relative scarcity of reasonably priced American made teles, I've been toying with trying to convince him to demo some gibbys. Problem is, the humbuckers likely won't give him that country twang.. But P90s might, and you can pick up a P90 loaded Gibson USA SG for an excellent price. I have played a few P90 equipped guitars and to my ear they all have a load of twang, but they have a roar instead of a Fender "spank". I reckon they'd work well for country, and since he delves into blues and rock occasionally, they would be an excellent choice there as well. I'm not exactly a big country fan, but for those who are - I know teles seem to be the weapon of choice, but country has its fair share of big hollowbodies too, particularly rockabilly... So the P90 (Found, as I'm sure you all know, in a good majority of Gibson semi/full hollows) must be applicable... Anyone got the low down on the matchup between a Tele and a P90 loaded SG when it comes to country? This guy's stubborn as all hell which will probably complicate things but I think the Gibby would be the way to go as far as value.
I'm going to try and keep this within that "tldr" barrier - so long story very short:
I've got a buddy who is fairly new to guitar. He is very much into country music as is looking for a new instrument (He has a MIM Fender strat right now - a Highway One, I believe)... And he wants to go american Fender tele.
However, he's on a bit of a budget and knows relatively little about guitar gear. Seeing as there is a relative scarcity of reasonably priced American made teles, I've been toying with trying to convince him to demo some gibbys. Problem is, the humbuckers likely won't give him that country twang.. But P90s might, and you can pick up a P90 loaded Gibson USA SG for an excellent price. I have played a few P90 equipped guitars and to my ear they all have a load of twang, but they have a roar instead of a Fender "spank". I reckon they'd work well for country, and since he delves into blues and rock occasionally, they would be an excellent choice there as well. I'm not exactly a big country fan, but for those who are - I know teles seem to be the weapon of choice, but country has its fair share of big hollowbodies too, particularly rockabilly... So the P90 (Found, as I'm sure you all know, in a good majority of Gibson semi/full hollows) must be applicable... Anyone got the low down on the matchup between a Tele and a P90 loaded SG when it comes to country? This guy's stubborn as all hell which will probably complicate things but I think the Gibby would be the way to go as far as value.