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Pot for volume boost needed

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  • Pot for volume boost needed

    Hi all.
    I built some kind of volume-boost (cut) out of an old footswitch and some parts I had lying about.
    I used a 500k logarithmic potentiometer, a small cap (~1nF) and a switch to bypass the circuit. In the FX loop it sounds pretty neutral and when switched off it gives the volume boost the whole thing was about, I'm actually quite content with the result.
    But anyway, adjusting the volume cut with the pot is kind of hard. I just want a small cut and the way it works right now, only the first few degrees of the pot are really useable, so I thought about trying out a smaller pot to make the whole thing less sensitive and easier to adjust.

    What do you think, will a 100k pot work better?
    I don't have to fear the sound changing completely after this small modification, do I?
    Logarithmic is the right choice for this job, isn't it?
    Thanks for your input!
    tremstick give-away (performer series trem)

  • #2
    Alright, found an old 50k pot somewhere in the depths, although it feels a BIT better now, the effect is still huge.
    The sound didn't change at all as expected, but actually I was hoping the actual useable angle of the pot would increase a lot more when going from 500 to 50kOhm.
    Well, but lower seems the right way to go anyway, maybe I'll try some even smaller ones or just leave it as it is.
    tremstick give-away (performer series trem)

