Sweet! I may just buy a pawn shop Hondo this summer and make it a clock with a camo/military theme.
My grandpa was in the 2nd Rangers at D-Day, Pointe du Hoc. I've always wanted a WW2 Ranger guitar but each time I design one, it ends up looking like an advertisement rather than a commemorative piece. The 2nd Rangers used the blue diamond and sometimes found themseleves in fist fights with other units who called it the Sunoco logo.
My grandpa was in the 2nd Rangers at D-Day, Pointe du Hoc. I've always wanted a WW2 Ranger guitar but each time I design one, it ends up looking like an advertisement rather than a commemorative piece. The 2nd Rangers used the blue diamond and sometimes found themseleves in fist fights with other units who called it the Sunoco logo.