So I decided to set up my RR5 by changing from xl 9's to 10-52 strings, however I have a few questions. When I took off my old strings, the bridge fell off and I'm not sure which way it goes back on.(one side has screws and the other has nuts, both for adjusting the saddles). I've looked at photos of RR5 bridges online, but none of them show the detail I'm looking for.
I'm going to use standard E tuning for now and see how I like that.
Once I figure out which way the bridge goes on i assume that all I need to do is restring it, tune it and check the intonation. Is there anything that I've overlooked? Will I need to make any truss rod adjustments? Will I have to modify the nut for the larger strings?
I'm going to use standard E tuning for now and see how I like that.
Once I figure out which way the bridge goes on i assume that all I need to do is restring it, tune it and check the intonation. Is there anything that I've overlooked? Will I need to make any truss rod adjustments? Will I have to modify the nut for the larger strings?