Ok, here is the issue. I have a Jackson DK2M, pulled the JB/Jazz out of her and installed the Doug Aldrich Suhr pickups. According to Suhr they wire up exactly like SD humbuckers. I have wired up 20 or 30 guitars in my day so I am not exactly a novice. Here is what I installed. Dimarzio 500K pots (new), the pups (new) and rewired the 3-way switch and jack. The DK had extra grounds...1 in each pup cavity grounded to the original pots I believe. I first wired up the new pot just like the originals including the extra grounds in the pup cavities. After getting severe hum when touching the pup, ring or any of the pup ring mounting screws and pup adjustment screws (both bridge and neck). I removed those grounds and used the trem claw ground as the primary. Once I buttoned everything up, I plugged her in and the guitar sounds amazing. Just excellent tone...except, if I touch the pup ring, ring screws, or pickup itself I still get a nice loud hum. I resoldered all the grounds, made sure all grounds terminate in the same location (volume pot) and still the hum. Changed out the pup rings for quality metal ones and made sure the adjustment screws were not touching the bottom of the pup cavity and still it hums...I am at a loss...should I change out the pots again? Any ideas? This is the 1st time I have been unable to track down an issue and it is driving me crazy!
:think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:
