So, I got myself a white Japanese San Dimas yesterday. That's 2 promods now. The stable's growing.
I love the sound of this thing. OK, I'll need to spend a bit more time with it, but my initial impressions are that it sounds fantastic. But as with my SoCal, I'd like to have the option to split the coils for a bit more versatility.
I also love the cream pickups / rings and brass on a white body look and I wouldn't mind going for that.
Then the idea hit me: What about getting some SD Triple Shot rings?
But the San Dimas has direct mount pickups and I really don't want to drill holes to mount them. So, the question is, can you install pickup rings without drilling? Is there a kind of glue that would work for this, but be removable at a later date without taking the paint with it?
I love the sound of this thing. OK, I'll need to spend a bit more time with it, but my initial impressions are that it sounds fantastic. But as with my SoCal, I'd like to have the option to split the coils for a bit more versatility.
I also love the cream pickups / rings and brass on a white body look and I wouldn't mind going for that.
Then the idea hit me: What about getting some SD Triple Shot rings?
But the San Dimas has direct mount pickups and I really don't want to drill holes to mount them. So, the question is, can you install pickup rings without drilling? Is there a kind of glue that would work for this, but be removable at a later date without taking the paint with it?