I bought one of these guitars second hand and the neck is really dirty looking. Not actually dirt encrusted, but it looks like dark oil has somehow seeped into the fretboard. It's quite stained and I was wondering if there was anything that would clean it up?
I don't mind the "played" look at all but I would kinda prefer that it was *my* finger gunk in there
It looks a lot like this http://www.tdpri.com/forum/attachmen...fretboard2-jpg (only worse..)
I've seen various conflicting things online about this so I was looking for a more definite answer in relation to this particular guitar
I bought one of these guitars second hand and the neck is really dirty looking. Not actually dirt encrusted, but it looks like dark oil has somehow seeped into the fretboard. It's quite stained and I was wondering if there was anything that would clean it up?
I don't mind the "played" look at all but I would kinda prefer that it was *my* finger gunk in there
It looks a lot like this http://www.tdpri.com/forum/attachmen...fretboard2-jpg (only worse..)
I've seen various conflicting things online about this so I was looking for a more definite answer in relation to this particular guitar