I'm trying to sort out the neck on this guitar - it has a bit too much relief for my liking. Something like .40. I've taken the neck off to tighten the truss rod but it's fully tight.. It won't turn any further to the right. I'm not forcing anything but at the same time, not being too gentle.
I don't really have any guitar techs nearby that can look at this, so I was wondering if anyone knew what might be up? It's unlikely the truss rod has got stuck and needs a bit of oiling, on such a relatively new guitar?
As it stands, I've also got a bit of string rattle on the treble side, reasonably high up, 15th fret towards 22nd. I have a bad feeling that this is likely an unrelated issue, as it's in the area the truss rod doesn't affect?
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
I'm trying to sort out the neck on this guitar - it has a bit too much relief for my liking. Something like .40. I've taken the neck off to tighten the truss rod but it's fully tight.. It won't turn any further to the right. I'm not forcing anything but at the same time, not being too gentle.
I don't really have any guitar techs nearby that can look at this, so I was wondering if anyone knew what might be up? It's unlikely the truss rod has got stuck and needs a bit of oiling, on such a relatively new guitar?
As it stands, I've also got a bit of string rattle on the treble side, reasonably high up, 15th fret towards 22nd. I have a bad feeling that this is likely an unrelated issue, as it's in the area the truss rod doesn't affect?
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!