I'm thinking of doing my second fret dressing job ever. The first one was done about three years ago on a DK2M and came out fine. This next one is on a Japanese Soloist. After doing some research to refresh my memory on doing the fret level correctly I came across the topic fall away which I did not do the first time. So let's say my Soloist has an existing fall away level done to the upper frets. When I straighten out the neck and then mark the top of the frets with a Sharpie, won't I be taking the lower frets down to at least the level of the upper frets that had fall away done to them? And then once those are level I'll be doing the fall away leveling again to the upper frets again? I'm really looking to remove the least amount of material as possible. Am I overthinking it?
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Fret level fall away question
I have never understood the neck relief and fall away. I feel if the neck is set level fall away is not needed. I guess I like my action high enough that to me it makes no difference. I level all the frets when I dress them and have never had an issue. If your neck as fall away and you get the neck straight from the 1st fret to the 12 fret and only sand from that area and then do from the 12th fret to the 24 you will not lose any extra fret material, but if you dress it level all the way across and then re do the fall away yes you will be removing quite a bit for fret material.