As you might know, I recently picked up a second Dinky. I have noticed that this one has a higher nut than my original one. I measured on the 1st fret, with a 42 E string.
.30mm and .50mm
Which got me thinking, what is the proper measurement? A general range? Or if there is an actual standard way to measure it, I couldn't find it so I just measured @ 1st.
The action at 12 on both is around 1.7-2mm. Pinch harmonics, natural harmonics, and vibrato are all easier on the guitar with the higher nut. Both have the same brand 9-42's, E standard, and I cannot tell one necks relief from the other. Both relatively straight, minor relief.
.30mm and .50mm
Which got me thinking, what is the proper measurement? A general range? Or if there is an actual standard way to measure it, I couldn't find it so I just measured @ 1st.
The action at 12 on both is around 1.7-2mm. Pinch harmonics, natural harmonics, and vibrato are all easier on the guitar with the higher nut. Both have the same brand 9-42's, E standard, and I cannot tell one necks relief from the other. Both relatively straight, minor relief.