So today in my local consignment store, I found a really cool old USA BC Rich Gunslinger. Aside from having a really worn and beat up finish, the guitar was really cool. I'm tempted to purchase it (as it is offered at a good price).
As I talked with the man behind the counter, I notice however that the BC Rich liscenced floyd was really quite warn and hard some rust.
Is there anything one could soak a floyd in that would loosen up the rust? I'm really dying to get this guitar, then it would be off to GMW for a refin!
As I talked with the man behind the counter, I notice however that the BC Rich liscenced floyd was really quite warn and hard some rust.
Is there anything one could soak a floyd in that would loosen up the rust? I'm really dying to get this guitar, then it would be off to GMW for a refin!