Here's the deal, I've been playing guitar for the better part of 30 years, but I've never bothered to get into the nuts of bolts of guitar wiring. So, this might be a pretty open and shut case.
I have a 1986 Charvel Model 3A. It came with the J-80 pickups, but of course no JE-1200 mid-boost, which is a must in my '86 Model 5 and Model 6. Without the mid-boost it just doesn't get the tone I want. I tried to offset that by replacing the stock J-80 pickup w/o the mid-boost, with a Crunch Lab. But that ended up sounding lifeless in the Model 3A, just about as lifeless as the J-80 without the mid-boost.
But I got to thinking, in theory, if the cavity in the back of the guitar can accommodate it (and it looks like it would), could the JE-1200 circuit be installed, feeding the J-80, only the knob would be on the inside of the cavity, and in the always on position? The circuit is always on in my Model 5 and Model 6 anyway. So, perhaps it could be done, and still use my regular tone and volume knob, yet no holes drilled for a third knob, or does the circuit just not work that way?
What do you think? I wouldn't want to pick up a JE-1200 circuit, old or new, and then bring it to a tech without specific instructions and/or knowing it can be done. Otherwise, it might be a merry-go-round of trying different pups in the Model 3A, because that Crunch Lab just doesn't do it for me.
I have a 1986 Charvel Model 3A. It came with the J-80 pickups, but of course no JE-1200 mid-boost, which is a must in my '86 Model 5 and Model 6. Without the mid-boost it just doesn't get the tone I want. I tried to offset that by replacing the stock J-80 pickup w/o the mid-boost, with a Crunch Lab. But that ended up sounding lifeless in the Model 3A, just about as lifeless as the J-80 without the mid-boost.
But I got to thinking, in theory, if the cavity in the back of the guitar can accommodate it (and it looks like it would), could the JE-1200 circuit be installed, feeding the J-80, only the knob would be on the inside of the cavity, and in the always on position? The circuit is always on in my Model 5 and Model 6 anyway. So, perhaps it could be done, and still use my regular tone and volume knob, yet no holes drilled for a third knob, or does the circuit just not work that way?
What do you think? I wouldn't want to pick up a JE-1200 circuit, old or new, and then bring it to a tech without specific instructions and/or knowing it can be done. Otherwise, it might be a merry-go-round of trying different pups in the Model 3A, because that Crunch Lab just doesn't do it for me.