I cracked one of my LSR tuners.
I tried to open the string-lock, but I wound in the wrong direction. Now it's overwound and no matter in which direction I wind, there's no screw thread. So, the string-lock doesn't open anymore.
Is there any chance to repair this LSR tuner?
When I look from the top into the tuner button, I can see a screw nut. Is this nut for unlocking the string?
I cracked one of my LSR tuners.
I tried to open the string-lock, but I wound in the wrong direction. Now it's overwound and no matter in which direction I wind, there's no screw thread. So, the string-lock doesn't open anymore.
Is there any chance to repair this LSR tuner?
When I look from the top into the tuner button, I can see a screw nut. Is this nut for unlocking the string?