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Spider babies

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  • Spider babies

    I bought a used case.
    I did a quick inspection to make sure the feet are all there and the latches worked.... the basic stuff.

    BUT, I did not notice the remnants of the spider egg sac.

    What can I do to make sure the creepy crawlers didn't make their way into the case?

    I vacuumed the fur. But I am wondering about the underneath parts. I don't want to rip the case apart (nice case in good condition) if it can be avoided.

  • #2

    I believe that you have done what could be done.
    I guess just give a few more days and see if any web
    appear or little spiders?


    • #3
      Originally posted by JJ119 View Post

      I believe that you have done what could be done.
      I guess just give a few more days and see if any web
      appear or little spiders?
      That's about it. If it were mine I'd give it a dose of Raid and leave it open, but that's just me.


      • #4
        Water and a small amount of bleach, let it soak in then carpet cleaner, vacuum well, air out
        I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


        • #5
          Originally posted by pianoguyy View Post
          I bought a used case.
          I did a quick inspection to make sure the feet are all there and the latches worked.... the basic stuff.

          BUT, I did not notice the remnants of the spider egg sac.

          What can I do to make sure the creepy crawlers didn't make their way into the case?

          I vacuumed the fur. But I am wondering about the underneath parts. I don't want to rip the case apart (nice case in good condition) if it can be avoided.
          Name your guitar Sting?

          Seriously I would do a search and find something spiders hate that won't ruin the case. I know bug sprays melt nitro. I know poly would be fine, but I would want to take a chance. And the smell too. I have one stinky case with an M6 and the guitar picks up the stink.

