Finished these two up this weekend:
White DiMarzio body with a black p-guard, H-S, OFR, and a maple/maple neck by Ebay seller customwoods.
The bridge pickup is a Gibson Dirty Fingers and the neck is an Armstrong Rails from a Warrior Pro.

Not the best player - may have to lower the nut platform and do some other tweaking. Plays good as it is, but the action's higher than I wanted it. Good neck, good body, just not as good together as if they had been made for each other, y'know?
The neck profile is fat but comfy. 1 5/8" nut width.
Next up is a Predator body routed for a neck hum. Here's where I was disappointed:

I found this new masking tape at WalMart that is designed to go around curves and such more smoothly than normal masking tape, which it does very well. The problem is that it's fairly porous, which left me with a pretty good amount of bleedthrough where the tape was curved the most - at the ends. It also peeled some of the paint off, leaving thin strips in the rings.
Too late now, of course - I'd hafta strip it and start over.
Black paint is Krylon, of course. I put on 3 or 4 coats on top of the existing/unprepped paint/clearcoat.
White DiMarzio body with a black p-guard, H-S, OFR, and a maple/maple neck by Ebay seller customwoods.
The bridge pickup is a Gibson Dirty Fingers and the neck is an Armstrong Rails from a Warrior Pro.

Not the best player - may have to lower the nut platform and do some other tweaking. Plays good as it is, but the action's higher than I wanted it. Good neck, good body, just not as good together as if they had been made for each other, y'know?
The neck profile is fat but comfy. 1 5/8" nut width.
Next up is a Predator body routed for a neck hum. Here's where I was disappointed:

I found this new masking tape at WalMart that is designed to go around curves and such more smoothly than normal masking tape, which it does very well. The problem is that it's fairly porous, which left me with a pretty good amount of bleedthrough where the tape was curved the most - at the ends. It also peeled some of the paint off, leaving thin strips in the rings.
Too late now, of course - I'd hafta strip it and start over.
Black paint is Krylon, of course. I put on 3 or 4 coats on top of the existing/unprepped paint/clearcoat.