I've blocked quite a few trems in my day, using basically the instructions in the pinned up post.
A customer asked me something today that puzzled me, because I didn't have an answer.
What good is blocking the trem? My ONLY answer is, to prevent movement of the trem in the terms of raising pitch, or with another block, preventing all movement altogether.
His NEXT question was,
Will it affect my Floyd set up...To which I could only answer,
If it's set up correctly, the bridge STILL pulls up, so as your guitar is tuned to pitch, it goes back to parallel to the body position (as I set them up, yours may be different), and in my experience, when done properlly, the strings are in tune, and stretched, the same was as before.
Anything you trem blockers would add? I think I covered all my bases, BUT I am wrong sometimes, and figured you guys would know.
A customer asked me something today that puzzled me, because I didn't have an answer.
What good is blocking the trem? My ONLY answer is, to prevent movement of the trem in the terms of raising pitch, or with another block, preventing all movement altogether.
His NEXT question was,
Will it affect my Floyd set up...To which I could only answer,
If it's set up correctly, the bridge STILL pulls up, so as your guitar is tuned to pitch, it goes back to parallel to the body position (as I set them up, yours may be different), and in my experience, when done properlly, the strings are in tune, and stretched, the same was as before.
Anything you trem blockers would add? I think I covered all my bases, BUT I am wrong sometimes, and figured you guys would know.