Thanks to Toejam for recommending the Dunlop Dual Design Straploks to replace the tiny strap pins on my ESP/Edwards Les Paul! I picked up a set of gold Straploks yesterday and installed them today.
I am not sure why I never liked locking strap pins before. But, I took the chance and now I like them plenty! They were easy to install into the guitar and onto the strap. I now see what people mean when they say they can use one strap for multiple guitars equipped with locking-compatible strap pins. However, my two electric guitars are different shapes (Soloist and Les Paul) so I need different strap lengths to make them equal height. I supposed they will be useful that way if I had multiple Les Pauls. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I might get a chrome set for my Soloist somewhere down the road, but there's already huge strap pins on that guitar, so it may be overkill and a waste of money.
The instructions say you should remove your old strap pins and then drill a new 1/8 inch hole in place of the old hole, and go about an inch deep. I did not do this, and instead tried to install the new strap pin and screw directly. I ended up chipping a tiny bit of paint and clearcoat around the old hole, but it was mostly covered by the new strap pin when flush against the body. Next time, I will definitely do as the instructions say... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
Overall, I really like these Dunlop Straploks. Maybe not worth the 30 bucks Canadian I spent on them, but they're cool anyhow. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] And they're damn tough... [img]/images/graemlins/eek.gif[/img]
Verdict: Try 'em, you might like 'em! If they were $20 Canadian, I'd give them a 10/10 rating.
I am not sure why I never liked locking strap pins before. But, I took the chance and now I like them plenty! They were easy to install into the guitar and onto the strap. I now see what people mean when they say they can use one strap for multiple guitars equipped with locking-compatible strap pins. However, my two electric guitars are different shapes (Soloist and Les Paul) so I need different strap lengths to make them equal height. I supposed they will be useful that way if I had multiple Les Pauls. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I might get a chrome set for my Soloist somewhere down the road, but there's already huge strap pins on that guitar, so it may be overkill and a waste of money.
The instructions say you should remove your old strap pins and then drill a new 1/8 inch hole in place of the old hole, and go about an inch deep. I did not do this, and instead tried to install the new strap pin and screw directly. I ended up chipping a tiny bit of paint and clearcoat around the old hole, but it was mostly covered by the new strap pin when flush against the body. Next time, I will definitely do as the instructions say... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
Overall, I really like these Dunlop Straploks. Maybe not worth the 30 bucks Canadian I spent on them, but they're cool anyhow. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] And they're damn tough... [img]/images/graemlins/eek.gif[/img]
Verdict: Try 'em, you might like 'em! If they were $20 Canadian, I'd give them a 10/10 rating.