I've carried Charvel prototypes in hardshell cases on Southwest. The case fit in the overhead bins and I picked off peak days/times for the flights. I was going back and forth between Phoenix and Burbank or Phoenix and Ontario, both routes that I fly fairly often, so I'm a familiar face. That helped too.
I did get flack from the TSA people about the tremolo arms....go figure!
For longer trips, etc, two words: Road Case. The money spent on one of those is well worth it. And detune the guitar for sure. Anything that lowers the risk of damage is a smart move.
I did get flack from the TSA people about the tremolo arms....go figure!
For longer trips, etc, two words: Road Case. The money spent on one of those is well worth it. And detune the guitar for sure. Anything that lowers the risk of damage is a smart move.