OK, I put on about 5 - 7 thin coats or Primer, letting each coat dry about a half hour in between. The guitar is just about fully covered in Primer, but you can still see the sanding sealer underneath if your looking for it. I notice that there are very little bumps in the finish, looks like dust specks in some areas.
I'm going to let it dry overnight, so tomorrow morning, do I just wet sand with 400 grit to get it all smooth again? If I end up sanding down to bare wood, I shoot it with primer again right?
Thanks again! I hate to be a pest and have you guys hold my hands thru this, but I want it to come out looking like a professional job
I'm going to let it dry overnight, so tomorrow morning, do I just wet sand with 400 grit to get it all smooth again? If I end up sanding down to bare wood, I shoot it with primer again right?
Thanks again! I hate to be a pest and have you guys hold my hands thru this, but I want it to come out looking like a professional job