What would you guys suggest for acheiving a flat, dull finish on a multi-graphic paintjob?
I've tried wetsanding and using very fine (0000) steel wool, but that gives me a little more "sheen" than I want.
I'm thinking of using a flattening agent in the clearcoat, but I'm getting conflicting info. from different sources. Some say you can wetsand, buff, and it won't have any effect on the dull appearance. Others say that you have to just shoot it and just leave it alone and that any sort of buffing would create a shine.
My preference would be to have the ability to wetsand, and "finese" the finish after shooting my clear, but if using this technique produces a shine, I'll have to find another option I guess.
Any thoughts?
I've tried wetsanding and using very fine (0000) steel wool, but that gives me a little more "sheen" than I want.
I'm thinking of using a flattening agent in the clearcoat, but I'm getting conflicting info. from different sources. Some say you can wetsand, buff, and it won't have any effect on the dull appearance. Others say that you have to just shoot it and just leave it alone and that any sort of buffing would create a shine.
My preference would be to have the ability to wetsand, and "finese" the finish after shooting my clear, but if using this technique produces a shine, I'll have to find another option I guess.
Any thoughts?