Okay a few weeks back I used my QSC USA 370 power amp. The venue was pretty big and it was clipping. Well, now when I turn on the amplifier, channel two immediatly starts to clip, without a signal. Anybody know if this is an easy fix? Should I take it to get repaired or cut my losses.
I was thinking of disclosing the problem and getting rid of it on ebay to help get another amp. These amps are going for about $100 on ebay. I figure I can probably make a few bucks towards the purchase of another but I would hate to get rid of it if its an easy fix. The last time I had an amp repaired it cost me $80.
I was thinking of disclosing the problem and getting rid of it on ebay to help get another amp. These amps are going for about $100 on ebay. I figure I can probably make a few bucks towards the purchase of another but I would hate to get rid of it if its an easy fix. The last time I had an amp repaired it cost me $80.