my jacksons never came with allum keys or tremolo arms. all i did was pinch one off another guitar that i binned (erm... a speedloader - ick!). it fit fine. but does using arms from trems other than the one on my guitar harm the trem at all even if the arm fits?
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missing tremolo arm
no as long as its a good fit it should be fine. my friend has an old rg 550 that was beat to hell when he got it (for $60) and he refinished it and got an after market arm for the trem since it didnt have one and it works beautifully, no problems at all. also i think the arm that came with my rr3 isnt the right one, i got it off ebay and the seller forget to ship the arm with the guitar but sent it along straight away but the arm is black and all the rest of the hardware is chrome. it doesnt bother me at all but still and i have no problems with it.
i'll just get music inn to order me a couple. ok ron? now shut it ya whinging bitch........ quit ya tea baggin' - part/catalogue number please? ...please?
Last edited by wilkinsi; 09-10-2006, 02:13 PM.Fuck ebay, fuck paypal
"Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).