I just stumbled across this on some random website.. Anyone here ever tried this? Is it advisable or is this guy talking out of his ass? Seems like a fairly simple operation though? I have no idea about these things so I thought I'd ask some qualified folks about it.
Copy of the text:
I tried this and it works very well:You can get a lot more gain from your pickups if you installa 1M potentiometer in place of the 250K that are currently installedin most electrics. Just unsolder the old volume control andinstall this one right in its place. This is great with humbuckers and hot single coils, but mightbe a bit too much for vintage single coil pickups.
Copy of the text:
I tried this and it works very well:You can get a lot more gain from your pickups if you installa 1M potentiometer in place of the 250K that are currently installedin most electrics. Just unsolder the old volume control andinstall this one right in its place. This is great with humbuckers and hot single coils, but mightbe a bit too much for vintage single coil pickups.