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G string problem on model new 3dr

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  • G string problem on model new 3dr

    ok well u've all marvelled at my uber cool rainbow crackle 3dr but there is a problem with it. my g string. i can use the bar, i can do dives, it stays in tune perfectly. can i do a simple bluesy bend? like fuck. it refuses to stay in tune. anything that involves the string bending upward sends it flat. i can correct it PERFECTLY simply by dipping the bar puts it right back in tune, but that would mean constantly doing so - even the slightest bend sends it like nearly a 1/4 tone flat and am i just supposed to constantly be doing whammy bar dives in the middle of rocky bluesy solos? . at first i thought oh well it'll just be where the clamp is worn so i removed that. nothing. bar dipping keeps it totally in tune, bluesy bend sends it way out. next step, make sure the nut is ok - made sure there was no dirt in the groove, got my trusty pencil and penknife kit out and put some graphite in the strings groove so its well lubricated. does it work? no. still the same old bloody problem. what is going on??

  • #2
    If you're 100% sure that you've ruled out problems at the nut end, it's time to look for problems at the bridge. Maybe there is something going on like a groove or bur at the saddle that the string catches on when you bend, then corrects when you do a dive. Dull knife edges keeping it from returning to zero are a common problem with these trems, but that should affect all the strings. Is it definitely just the G string? Try a big bend with one of the lower strings just to rule out the knife edge problem. One other question: does the problem with the G string also occur when you pull up on the trem bar, or only when you bend? That might help to tell whether it has something to with the sideways movement of the string in the saddle vs. a straight pull when you use the bar.


    • #3
      Maybe the G string saddle is loose.Orthe locking pad at the nut has worn.Or a notch has worn in the V groove of the nut.Could be a bad string.Did you cut the winding all the way off when you cut the ball end off before you locked it in the saddle?The G saddle may have a hairline crack look at the very back where the locking screw threads into the saddle.Damage of this nature can be hard to see use a magnifying glass.Or the front section of the saddle may be cracked. Which is what I think this is.When the roll pin holding the two sections together gets loose or the forks of this section crack too its very hard to see.The fore and aft movement of the trem when this happens is not very noticeable but side to side stress is.The saddle may be moving slightly side to side and when you slap the bar it corrects itself.This would explain the bend problem.
      Just a thought I may be wrong.
      Last edited by straycat; 11-23-2006, 01:54 AM.
      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


      • #4
        oh, this is about guitars.

        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

        - Newc


        • #5
          Thanks Tim I am wrong on all counts .LOL
          Really? well screw Mark Twain.


          • #6
            One word: Tremsetter.


            • #7
              Does this problem occur ONLY with the 3rd string? (Then no tremsetter is going to help)...

              How does it act with the locking nut unlocked? Same thing?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sunbane View Post
                Does this problem occur ONLY with the 3rd string? (Then no tremsetter is going to help)...

                How does it act with the locking nut unlocked? Same thing?
                i've completely removed the locking nut to make sure it wasn't that and yes it is only the 3rd string


                • #9
                  Did you inspect the saddle itself yet like I mentioned above?
                  Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                  • #10
                    what am i looking for exactly?


                    • #11
                      Did you not read the post?You are looking for hairline cracks in the G string saddle.The saddles consist of two(2) pieces three counting the roll pin.Check the section that your intonation locking screw locks down to the trem base plate look to see if you have a crack in the "forks" or in the area of the roll pin.
                      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                      • #12
                        I agree then something must be up with the saddle assembly. Or the locking screw. Or the fine tuner.

                        This could happen if the locking screw has any room to wiggle sideways at all. It may be caused by a crack in the saddle like straycat suggests. I've also seen trems with replacement locking screws that were too thin for the slots in the baseplate, and the locking screw would sometimes almost slip off of the fine tuner. You would get zero tuning stability out of one like that. Also check so the fine tuner isn't wiggling around.


                        • #13
                          Locking screw on a fine tuner?The allen screw may be too short and not gripping enough threads to make a solid connection to the base plate.I don't think a fine tuner could have anything to do with this problem.
                          Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                          • #14
                            well there doesn't seem to be any crack, but now i've removed the string from the saddle i can't get it to do up properly again when i put it back in...perhaps i don't know how to change strings on a Jt 60 trem yet properly, but either way the fine tuner and the little block aren't holding the string at all now...and now that u mention it, the knife edges are quite worn...time to replace the trem?


                            • #15
                              You can resharpen the knife edges with a round file.The pivot studs can be filed as well.But I think another JT-6 or OFR would be the way to go.New pivot studs too.
                              Really? well screw Mark Twain.

