Hey there. Need some clarification and some info. I just bought a Charvel Fusion Custom body and neck that's going to be my new project. I've been doing some reading on this guitar and from what I've read it came with a JT590 and has a basswood body. What size nut am I looking for? Can't seem to find that. Also I haven't run across any specs or info on what is being produced today to replace the JT590. I have a Floyd Rose but it doesn't have any fine tuners and has the nut attached instead of on the whammy bar. Has a Made in Germany stamp on the bottom next to the nut. I'm not too thrilled about using it because of the lack of fine tuners.
I'm psyched about this thing! I started playing 15 years ago on a CX290 that I recently put a EMG 81 into. It screams now! And I haven't played many guitars that can compare to the way the neck feels on the 290. Anyway, thanks!