I've got a couple of Charvel bodies that I'm wanting to make into sweet mutts. One has an old Jackson trem with a really coarse, textured finish to it. There are two metal trem posts in the body and a narrow rout where the old tremblock went. I'd like to put an OFR in its place. Is this going to work using the existing posts and rout?
Second body had a Kahler I believe. Body has a deep 8 sided route (one large rectangular with a small rectangular route attached on the neck side) with 4 screww holes. I guess the best thing to do would be to find a Kahler right? Would any Floyd even work with this guitar body? Thanks. If anyone has the appropriate trems for sale, please let me know. I posted similar in the classifieds.
Second body had a Kahler I believe. Body has a deep 8 sided route (one large rectangular with a small rectangular route attached on the neck side) with 4 screww holes. I guess the best thing to do would be to find a Kahler right? Would any Floyd even work with this guitar body? Thanks. If anyone has the appropriate trems for sale, please let me know. I posted similar in the classifieds.