I've lately been noticing a weird sound in my Horus.
The first two notes are on my Horus, the second two are on my Model 2.
It sounds like some weird fluttering noise... I've tried changing the E and G saddles with eachother, blocking the trem, and changing the strings. No result. I have no idea what this could be. I really need some help... Argh!
No crap about Model 2's owning Horuses, k?
The first two notes are on my Horus, the second two are on my Model 2.
It sounds like some weird fluttering noise... I've tried changing the E and G saddles with eachother, blocking the trem, and changing the strings. No result. I have no idea what this could be. I really need some help... Argh!

No crap about Model 2's owning Horuses, k?
