In Christmas time I sat down and spent whole day with my guitar. I cleaned neck and every little nook on it. I decided to set the intonation. I've set the intonation for 52 strings the way that the saddle is screwed in the end of the sides. Is something wrong?
Now I've checking the intonation for about 30 minutes constantly and it is a little, just a little over the green.
I heard that since you're dealing with floating bridges you'll never get your open and 12t to pitch without blocking it. I'm not saying that it drastically increases but I just want to make it perfect.
I was checking also the 1st fret of the lowest gauge and since it's tuned on D the tuner shows D# on 1st fret but also a little over green. The red next to green sort of blinks. It has dim glow not light.
I'm wondering if you, floyd guys, are dealing with the same thing? Is this normal? I'm pretty much of a perfectionist when it comes to my Jackson.
Help! [img]images/icons/confused.gif[/img]
In Christmas time I sat down and spent whole day with my guitar. I cleaned neck and every little nook on it. I decided to set the intonation. I've set the intonation for 52 strings the way that the saddle is screwed in the end of the sides. Is something wrong?
Now I've checking the intonation for about 30 minutes constantly and it is a little, just a little over the green.
I heard that since you're dealing with floating bridges you'll never get your open and 12t to pitch without blocking it. I'm not saying that it drastically increases but I just want to make it perfect.
I was checking also the 1st fret of the lowest gauge and since it's tuned on D the tuner shows D# on 1st fret but also a little over green. The red next to green sort of blinks. It has dim glow not light.
I'm wondering if you, floyd guys, are dealing with the same thing? Is this normal? I'm pretty much of a perfectionist when it comes to my Jackson.
Help! [img]images/icons/confused.gif[/img]