I've got a Jackson Kelly, and I've had it for a good while now..and I've already had to replace the volume pot once on it. And now, it seems as though I need a new one. It crackles, cuts the signal every now and again, and does not work for volume swells. It just stays loud and cuts off volume entirely when turned all the way down. So, I'm not entirely sure if it needs replaced, or just some work done to it. I'll let you be the judge.
Just some questions and ideads to guide your thinking..
1.) Does it need to be cleaned out?
2.) Is there a SPECIFIC kind of volume pot that I need to get? The ORIGINAL pot was a 750K..no idea if it was audio taper or not.. was replaced by a regular 750k pot from WD Music...)
3.) The wire configuration was matched when I replaced it the first time,, but could that be the issue?
A red wire running from the spring connector to the tremelo,to the top of the pot...and on the pot itself, the third prong over (on the right) was bent back and soldered to the side of the pot, and thats what the pick up lead was soldered to. This sound familiar to anyone? Could the problem lie here?
ANY help would be wonderful, I plan on getting this resolved as soon as possible and need some input.
Thanks alot!!!!