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Removing Floyd Inserts

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  • Removing Floyd Inserts

    I recently had to purchase new studs for my JT580LP. Someone on this board had mentioned that OFR studs would be compatable with my bridge. (hope this is true) Anyhow, I got the studs and the threads in the replacements that I bought don't match the originals so I need to pull the inserts.

    I saw the thread on how to put the inserts in, but how do I get the old ones out?

    Note: no drill presses or heavy woodworking tools are available.

  • #2
    There is some good info in this sticky, about half way down the page:

    MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


    • #3
      I use a stack of fender washers, and a matching bolt. The fender washers's hole have to be big enough so that the insert can pass through, and the stack of washers has to be tall enough, sp that you can pull the insert out, all the way. stack em, screw the bolt into the insert, and start tightening the bolt. It'll use the bolt tension to pull the insert straight out, nice and clean.
      I gave this suggestion over at Jemsite, and some jackass who prides himself on being a luthier by profession, ridiculed me, and said it was over-engineering, then stated how he just uses a claw hammer.........WTF?! That's one luthier that'll never get his hands on any of MY guitars!
      I'm not Ron!


      • #4
        +1 on Racerx2k's method, though I just screwed in the old trem posts and then used a pair of mole grips to pull them out. Did the job just fine, but it did chew up the old trem posts beyond use.


        • #5
          I typically just put the posts in the inserts...use an exacto knife to cut any paint/clearcoat around insert base and pull them straight up/out using a pair of pliers or channel locks if tough. Most come out fairly easy. One time I actually had to put the body flat on the floor, put my foot on the body and pull up really hard usually they come out easier that one would think


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
            I typically just put the posts in the inserts...use an exacto knife to cut any paint/clearcoat around insert base and pull them straight up/out using a pair of pliers or channel locks if tough. Most come out fairly easy. One time I actually had to put the body flat on the floor, put my foot on the body and pull up really hard usually they come out easier that one would think
            :ROTF: Sounds like you are ready to be a dentist!!!

