I thought about trying a pair of the new SD blackouts when i stumbled across this pickup http://www.shadow-electronics.com/viewpro.html?id=86
Theres not a whole lot of info on the site. Apparently you can switch between humbucker and single coil mode as well as active and passive mode. Anybody have experience with these or have access to some wiring diagrams? I found one on the net that involves two passive single coils and this pickup as well as 2 push/pull pots for switching between the modes but i'm not to sure what these pickups can really do. Any help would be appreciated.
Theres not a whole lot of info on the site. Apparently you can switch between humbucker and single coil mode as well as active and passive mode. Anybody have experience with these or have access to some wiring diagrams? I found one on the net that involves two passive single coils and this pickup as well as 2 push/pull pots for switching between the modes but i'm not to sure what these pickups can really do. Any help would be appreciated.