In the early '90s I got an OFR from Carvin and installed it on my '87 Kramer 600ST that had the old Floyd II single-locking trem. Not realizing at the time there were different size blocks for trems (32mm, 37 and 42), I just installed the new Floyd and it fit fine. The guitar is now retired and I took the OFR off and noticed the block has 37 stamped underneath the patent numbers. I just now looked at the old FRII I had stashed away and there's no patent numbers or block number, but I just compared them and realized the FRII is actually a little bit longer than the 37, so I guess it's the 42mm version. I also just checked out my Warrior with OFR and see that's got 32 stamped on it.
Did all OFRs originally have the size numbers stamped on the block? Or when did they start doing this? [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]
Did all OFRs originally have the size numbers stamped on the block? Or when did they start doing this? [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]