Please help, i have replaced the old JE 1200 with an emg spc ( mid boost control ) and also fitted new 500k volume and tone pot- the 3 pup selectors still work fine. On the wiring diagram for fitting the spc it shows there should be 1 black ground wire coming from the spc pot, however there are 2 black wires! Also there is no diagram anywhere online from what i can see that shows how to rewire the charvel6- as it it 1H2SC ( stacked hums to be precise ) and has 3 on/off pup selectors. Im having a nightmare because no matter how i wire the guitar up i cannot earth it properly! Im sure im doing something obviously wrong but no matter how many hours i put in rewiring after rewiring i still have the same problem. Im sure someone out there has fitted the emg spc and would love some feedback or even better a solution.
Please help
Please help