I've installed a set of Seymour Duncan Blackouts in my SLSMG.
I bypassed wiring the battery to the jack and just soldered the ground
lead to the back of the tone pot for a temporary shortcut, because I wasn't sure about the jack. Below I'll post a pick of the jack that's currently in the
guitar. Sorry if it's hard to see the wiring but it was the best pic I could get and I took a lot. I then found this stereo jack at this link....
It looks exactly like the jack that's already in my guitar. If you look at my picture it has two short tabs and the long one in the back, just like the one in the link. The long tab is connected by the black wire to ground on the back of the tone knob pot.
Can I connect the ground lead from the battery connector
to the unused short tab? Will this complete the circuit when a plug is inserted? I guess I'm asking do you think this is a "stereo" plug already in the guitar?
I bypassed wiring the battery to the jack and just soldered the ground
lead to the back of the tone pot for a temporary shortcut, because I wasn't sure about the jack. Below I'll post a pick of the jack that's currently in the
guitar. Sorry if it's hard to see the wiring but it was the best pic I could get and I took a lot. I then found this stereo jack at this link....
It looks exactly like the jack that's already in my guitar. If you look at my picture it has two short tabs and the long one in the back, just like the one in the link. The long tab is connected by the black wire to ground on the back of the tone knob pot.
Can I connect the ground lead from the battery connector
to the unused short tab? Will this complete the circuit when a plug is inserted? I guess I'm asking do you think this is a "stereo" plug already in the guitar?