I've bought a Gotoh floyd for a parts guitar i am building, and from what i understand it has a 14 inch radius.
So, what would the correct radius for the neck be?
I had pretty much decided on a frankeenstrat neck, which has a 10" radius, which i think is the same as the nut? (I'm using an OFR nut) would this neck work,and if not, what should i get?
Somebody please help me, i find this confusing as hell.
So, what would the correct radius for the neck be?
I had pretty much decided on a frankeenstrat neck, which has a 10" radius, which i think is the same as the nut? (I'm using an OFR nut) would this neck work,and if not, what should i get?
Somebody please help me, i find this confusing as hell.