Background: I've never bought into the theory that basswood guitars can wear out. My Charvel CX391 is around 17 years old, so for a "budget" guitar, it's lived a long life. Other than the trem crapping out about a year ago and the nut failing awhile back, it's been great. The body over time though had received it's fair share of hard knocks before I got it, being regularly gigged. I've been fairly gentle, but it's been out a few times in my possession as well. The trem studs also had a habit of slipping up out of the wood until I put some teflon tape on them. Anyway, to the beef:
Recently, I noticed the trem seemed to be leaning up more and more. I didn't think it was major, so I've made occasional adjustments when it starts becoming an issue. Today I was changing the strings and noticed something disturbing; the area where the studs are mounted seems to have a little bit of play in it Is this normal? And yes I am paranoid as this guitar has a lot of sentimental value to me. So has the wood "worn out"? Is that why there aren't any of these left?
Recently, I noticed the trem seemed to be leaning up more and more. I didn't think it was major, so I've made occasional adjustments when it starts becoming an issue. Today I was changing the strings and noticed something disturbing; the area where the studs are mounted seems to have a little bit of play in it Is this normal? And yes I am paranoid as this guitar has a lot of sentimental value to me. So has the wood "worn out"? Is that why there aren't any of these left?