EDIT: The POINT of this is that you can keep the 4-way switch in the down position and then just use the 3-way to choose between:
-full "quad-rail" bridge
-full "quad-rail" bridge + neck
You'd hardly ever use the 4-way. It ends up being a series/split/parallel switch.
Hey guys. I just came up with a cool pickup and switching configuration for a Jackson Warrior Pro (or strat).

The middle and bridge pickups are "seen" by the 3-way switch as one humbucker. You'd normally just use the 3-way to select: bridge, bridge+neck, neck (like a les paul).
The 4-way switch just does series/split/parallel to the bridge humbucker (which is really the middle and bridge pickups.) Since these are rail pickups, they are hum cancling on their own when split into separate pickups.
The 4-way switch gives you these combinations:
-Bridge + Middle in series with each other (sounds like a hot humbucker in this case)
-Bridge + Middle in parallel with each other (thinner tone, like a humbucker in parallel)
This picture shows all 9 configurations (all hum canceling). The pink lines mean the pickup is selected. Green means pickups are in parallel.

The idea came from the DiMarzio Multibucker (discontinued) mixed with a tele w/ 4 way switching.
I know that you could rig up on/off switches, series/split/parallel switches and phase switches for tons of tones…but the point of this idea is EASE.
-full "quad-rail" bridge
-full "quad-rail" bridge + neck
You'd hardly ever use the 4-way. It ends up being a series/split/parallel switch.
Hey guys. I just came up with a cool pickup and switching configuration for a Jackson Warrior Pro (or strat).

The middle and bridge pickups are "seen" by the 3-way switch as one humbucker. You'd normally just use the 3-way to select: bridge, bridge+neck, neck (like a les paul).
The 4-way switch just does series/split/parallel to the bridge humbucker (which is really the middle and bridge pickups.) Since these are rail pickups, they are hum cancling on their own when split into separate pickups.
The 4-way switch gives you these combinations:
-Bridge + Middle in series with each other (sounds like a hot humbucker in this case)
-Bridge + Middle in parallel with each other (thinner tone, like a humbucker in parallel)
This picture shows all 9 configurations (all hum canceling). The pink lines mean the pickup is selected. Green means pickups are in parallel.

The idea came from the DiMarzio Multibucker (discontinued) mixed with a tele w/ 4 way switching.
I know that you could rig up on/off switches, series/split/parallel switches and phase switches for tons of tones…but the point of this idea is EASE.