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Where to get a precut Jackson style nut?

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  • Where to get a precut Jackson style nut?

    Hey anyone know a source for a nut that is precut a bit for the way the strings go on the Jackson headstock? The standard Jackson headstock is what I mean.

  • #2
    Do you mean one for a double locking trem type guitar?

    If so:

    Like this one:



    • #3
      Oops I should have said; a nut for a standard-style bridge. A strat trem bridge.


      • #4
        Don't think there is a specific 'jackson nut'. just figure out the material and width and order a pre-cut nut from Allparts or even StewMac.
        semi-automatic hate machine...


        • #5
          Yeah, you can get pre-cut nuts from any guitar shop really. You can even find them, unsurprisingly, on ebay.



          • #6
            Look for "Gibson-style" nuts:

            Blank yo!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
              I was told that because the way the uning pegs are on the headstock, that the nut should be cut in a way that some of them are slightly angled, not all stright like the gibson nut.

              So in other words the top 2 strings cut a little angled and the bottom 2 also, and the mddle stay straight.

              I was told that otherwise it could cause tuning issues. Cause it to go out of tune I awas told.

              True or not?


              • #8
                A good luthier should be able to make one for around $75 or so that will fit better than a stock one.
                "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                - Ken M


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
                  A good luthier should be able to make one for around $75 or so that will fit better than a stock one.
                  Well my friend would do it for about $40. Let me ask, is there any way I cnan just use a precut gibson nut? I mean that's what people here were saying, so anyone here really know?

                  If I can buy a precut nut for $10 and glue it non myself, that beats spending $40-$75.

                  Because I want to sale this guitar, I want to spend as little as possible, as long as it ends up being playable of course.

