thats right. I had a bad deal with Horns666 on some yellow marshmellow peeps. Everything was going great. he had described the marshmellow peeps to me very well, and sent pictures. I paypal him the $3.00 for them, plus $5.85 to ship them USPS to me. So I get the peeps in the mail, and they are stale. I dont mean a few days past code stale, I mean like they just came out of King tut's tomb stale. I am not shittin' ya!!! they smelled like 2 thousand year old mummy pussy. the color had faded significantly on them, they were barely as yellow as my neighbor's 55 T bird. plus someone had taken a bite out of one of them. he claims he never knew any of them had bites taken out of them. apparently he never looked in the box. SO I am guessing king tut got hungry. or Indiana Jones forgot them in his tomb when he found them in Episode 6, "the very last crusade until the next one." so I email Mr. Horns and discuss my disatisfaction. he offers to refund me 25 cents or I send them back for a full refund on my dime. well, I decided to take the 25 cents refund, but I am just giving you guys fair warning to not buy marshmellow peeps from him. I really expected him to be a stand up guy and send me some respectable marshmellow peeps. I supposed I should have kept them and parted them out and sold them, but I really have no idea what the street value of pale yellow stale peeps are these days. (I kinda been out of circulation a while).
there were supposed to be very vibrant yellow like this:

and what I got was this:

as you can see, the peeps I received were very pale, and lost the hop on their fast ball so to speak.
so be careful who you buy marshmellow peeps from these days.
there were supposed to be very vibrant yellow like this:

and what I got was this:

as you can see, the peeps I received were very pale, and lost the hop on their fast ball so to speak.
so be careful who you buy marshmellow peeps from these days.