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Matt's Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

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  • Matt's Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

    - or the Charvel San Dimas Standard that would never be...

    OK, here's the big bombshell that everyone is waiting for. In regards to the Charvel that I ordered through Matt's Music...

    I cancelled the order. The guitar was a single-humbucker (Duncan Distortion), Floyded , maple-boarded, Ferarri Red Charvel San Dimas Standard. I was stoked about it and couldn't wait to have it.

    Why did you cancel it then, you ask? Well, I placed the order in February of this year. Then paid it off in the next couple of months. In July I went to NAMM and saw them unveil the EVH Art Series guitars. In early September Kevin M. posted the pic of the 3D plates and I got excited about the guitar again. Every so often I would e-mail Matt for an update. The last estimated date came back as October 5th. Well, that day came and went and I never received the guitar.

    Then on October 17th someone posted about Wild West Guitars getting a bunch of brand new Charvels. This had my heart racing but also had me confused. At one point it was told to Matt that my guitar was one of the first orders placed. I was a bit baffled. Here I was, under the impression that my guitar would be one of the first rolling out of the shop, then I see that WWG had a whole bunch of them with graphics and everything. So I contacted Matt again. He said that JCMI wasn't giving him much information to come back with. So I suggested to him that I contact John Walker at FMIC myself to see if any info could be given. Well, all I got from him was that the WWG order was in fact the first order placed. Nothing too fancy or frilly. I started to talk myself out of getting real mad by trying to speculate that the hold up was the 3D plate. It worked to a point. As some of you have seen I started posting things out of frustration.

    Then on November 23rd the proverbial sh*t hit the fan. This is when someone posted about receiving their EVH Art Series guitar. Honestly, I was livid. I couldn't believe it. Here I was with an order placed months before the EVH Series was even announced or even available for public orders and then folks were getting them before I had my guitar. In many ways it was the same damn guitar that I ordered. The differences were that it was a strat-head, it had a different pickup, and an EVH paint job.

    So I asked Matt what was up. He was just as baffled as I was, he started a hard press on his reps at JCMI and came back to me telling me that they told him that because of NAMM and the EVH series that the delivery date for my guitar was sometime in May 2005. I was blown away. It was at this point where I was sure that I was canceling the order. God bless Matt because he tried to get the guitar in my hands. He got folks involved, he mentioned my involvement with the JCF and again John Walker enters the picture. Through Matt, JCMI came back to him (Tim Wilson directly e-mailed him) and put the delivery date at the end of January. On December 2nd I cancelled the order.

    <center>With that said I want to make a comment about Easton Guitars and Matt's Music Center. </center>

    I know I said elsewhere that I was just going to leave well enough alone, but I think that it's appropriate to discuss this here. First and foremost, I see the kind of BS that Kevin went through to get not just one guitar, but two different large multi-guitar orders done. My take on Easton Guitars is that he was overwhelmed. Here he was in his first few years of being a dealer and he's got a lot of business to deal with. Many bashed him over things that weren't his fault. Was he completely blameless? No, from what I read, communication and follow-through could have been a lot better. But despite the hit that he took with both series I feel that if he looked to re-organize himself and his business he could overcome this setback.

    Matt has been great through my own personal ordeal. I will definitely not hesitate to do business with him again. However I will probably only do business over something that he has in stock. Be it Jackson/Charvel, Mesa/Boogie, Lexicon, Marshall, BBE, Fostex, Tascam, or the other brands he offers I'm gonna have to check to see if he has it in. I congratulate him on his sponsorship of the JCF and hope that this gives his business a tremendous boost.

    <center>Now my thoughts on JCMI. </center>

    Now... My complaint lies with JCMI who needs to take a good look at their dealer relations and their custom shop workload. There seems to be a major disconnect between the reps who deal with the dealers and the custom shop. Sometimes I think they just give out fictitious dates just to get the dealers off the phones. If they have an influx of orders like the EVH Art Series those orders should be completed in the order that they came in, along with the people who buy Charvels to play, not to appreciate and sell for profit.

    Bottom line for me is that in principal, the favoritism that they have shown towards the EVH models is extremely offputting. I agree that the EVH models are a good thing for the company and the EVH endorsement is a great vehicle for the future. But it seems that they have thrown out the baby with the bathwater. Charvel has always been so much more than EVH, and unfortunately JCMI has forgotten that. Props to their marketing department, but to those who make the decisions on what orders go first I give my biggest middle finger to. I was really looking forward to this guitar. Sadly, the company that I've worked to promote in private circles has let me down.

    Now I'm probably seeking to buy a couple of imports from either the classifieds or eBay. At least there, I know I'm not going to get pushed off to commemorate some guy who's drinking himself into obscurity.
    Occupy JCF

  • #2
    Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

    I am sorry to hear that you had to cancel especially I saw you were excited about the guitar when you were talking about it..
    There is no way you have to wait that long to have a single hum solid color Charvel for so long while EVH series took only 4months to come out after the NAMM!

    I really wish these problems will be fixed ASAP because people who custom order guitars should have been taking care better by Charve/Jackson/Fender!

    Good luck finding some nice guitars instead!


    • #3
      Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

      Tekky, well said. Sorry to hear about your custom. I don't know if it would have been your first custom shop or not. I've never owned one, and I can only imagine there is some magic to a guitar being made, just for you.

      Sucks to hear it.


      • #4
        Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

        Tekky, I share your concerns. I, too, have experienced "ordering problems", if you will. And I have heard similar stories from several others.

        It took several months for a custom order of mine to finally get placed and a work order to get done. ...No, that is not a typo. Not weeks, several MONTHS! Totally inexcusable, IMHO. And, even then, I'm not certain that the order has the correct neck specs. I attempted to correct this several times and, even after several revisions, it was not right. The last I heard, the (new) dealer was told it was fixed, but I never saw this confirmed on a new work order. (...Despite a request to get one!)

        Admittedly, this was happening right around the same time that J/C was severing it's relationship with the (old) dealer. So the details of the how and why of the delays were likely made murky by the he said/she said of their relationship ending.

        More than likely, the delays were partially due to the dealer. (That's not necessarily a criticism, BTW, as it is possible this was done in an attempt to protect the interests of their customers.)

        That said, however, I am also fairly certain that a good share of the blame lies with the ordering persons and/or process at the J/C custom shop. I have no hard proof, but strongly suspect smoke is being blown up many dealers' @sses in this area. And, interestingly, I have only started to experience and hear about these issues since the FMIC process / personnel changes. (I have ordered several custom guitars - never a problem before.)

        I'm not looking to bash FMIC, J/C or whoever. Folks, let's please not turn this thread into yet another immature, baseless, s**tstorm. I would not dissuade anyone from ordering a new USA or custom. They are all well worth the wait. Consider this a friendly attempt at constructive criticism. Hope I'm not being too harsh - so far, I think they're doing a great job overall. And, as always, I expect my custom order will take quite a long time to get done.

        However, as you suggest, I think they should take a long hard look at the people and process by which they take and fullfill USA orders, and potentially make changes. Something possibly smells in that general area.

        Also, I suspect that you're unfairly assuming that EVH orders are "bumping" others placed well beforehand. I suspect the problem has less to do with EVHs and other "special runs", per se, and runs deeper than that. i.e., MANY types of orders may not be getting treated fairly. In fact, my own experience preceeds the EVHs even being announced.


        • #5
          Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

          P.S. - Matt's Music, the new dealer for this order, has been great to deal with so far. He's a cool dude and highly recommended.


          • #6
            Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

            Tekky, sorry my thread made you livid. I was just as surpised as you that those EVH's came in pretty much on time. My wallet was caught off guard too!

            As for the forum dealers, I've now dealt with Easton, Matt's, and VWall. Every transaction has worked out great.
            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #7
              Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

              Tekky - Sorry to hear about your order getting trashed that way.
              It IS sad that they placed the EVH crap so high on the list of priorities, when EVH has basically had no bearing on the continued success of Charvel or Jackson - anyone who followed Ed went where Ed went - Kramer, Steinberger, Ernie Ball, Peavey - and abandoned Charvel when he did, so to kiss his ass now while screwing paying customers is definitely not the way to go.

              Yours definitely shoulda been on the wall at Summer NAMM, if not in your hands before then. At the very latest, you should have gotten it when the Big Reds came in. It can't be that hard for them to burn out a single-hum Strat - they did thousands of them not 20 years ago in Japan and called them a Model 2.

              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #8
                Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                Thanks guys.

                Shreddermon has the right idea. This thread isn't necessarily a "bash FMIC/JCMI". I'm hoping that if we eloquently post our experiences then maybe some of the guys at JCMI will see that there's something that needs to be improved upon. Turning this into a bash-fest defeats the purpose.

                These are great guitars. The dealers we have are top notch. With what I experienced, think the problem lies within JCMI itself. We were all hoping that shipping and related concerns would be improved with FMIC's vast experience when they took over. What we're seeing here is that it's not. In some ways it's gotten worse.
                Occupy JCF


                • #9
                  Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                  Sorry to hear this, TEKKY. I can only imagine
                  how hard it was to make the decision, especially when they keep dropping the delivery date JUST over the horizon. You can almost see it, almost taste it.

                  I also agree that the point, a good one, is not to bash but to inform. I think JCMI needs to start hearing a strong influx of people expressing that vague, infirm completion dates and lack of access to simple things like a work order showing the specs could really be holding them back from placing that Custom shop order. The fact that people are just resigned to the fact of an indefinite wait for a custom shop order makes the new regime as complacent in this area as the old was. I can sort of understand this, as they are probably primarily concerned with getting the production lines out, but they do need to address the issue.

                  TEKKY, you may want to order a GMW. You'd probably have it before the May 2005 date JCMI
                  threw at you next-to-last, and that's from a 12/04 order date, not a 2/04 one. It won't say Jackson or Charvel on the headstock, but it will be every bit as good from all I've ever heard told of the brand. Again, sorry it turned out thus for you.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                    wow, that really sucks man! sorry to hear it, I know how I would feel if it was -my- custom being pushed bach a year...[img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] it's pretty outrageous.
                    I think thus far, this whole EVH thing hasn't been as great for Charvel as it should have (or as they thought it would have) been.
                    And with the SLATQ problems other members have had're right FMIC/JCMI definitely need to fix communications between order takers and guitar builders.
                    You should absolutely have been informed when you ordered that there would be a setback because of the planned introduction of the EVH series.

                    IMHO, they should have put the effort into a new name/artist instead of trying to revive the dinosaur by getting EVH back like 20 years later...don't get me wrong it's great for collectors and players who couldn't get a Charvel back then, but I don't think we'll see any new artists playing EVH models and giving Charvel any sales boost that way.

                    lerxstcat: GMW has a lot of work to do right now and are not taking any new orders before 2005, I spoke with Lee Garver only a week ago and he said he had to work hard to get rid of the back-order situation so therefore he could not take mine, or any other new order at present time.
                    At least they have the courtesy to quickly reply customers and tell things like it is. Makes all the difference!


                    • #11
                      Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                      Oh yeah, I remember reading that thread title now; thanks Rune. Well, if they're taking orders again in 2005 that's only a few weeks away; I didn't read the thread so I don't know the details.

                      JCMI's failings in this area are a Godsend to GMW though, since they seem to be able to deliver these orders much more quickly than the JCMI Custom Shop. I do admire the spirit of customer service that causes them to stop taking orders when they're backlogged.
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                        Could either of you two missed the point any more???

                        Please, don't insult my intelligence. If I wanted a GMW, I'd get a GMW. I am fully aware of how to contact them and put in an order.

                        I wanted a CHARVEL.

                        I have nothing against GMW. I've never played one. I've never seen one in person. Therefore, as far as what I wanted, GMW is out of sight out of mind.

                        My feedback is to help Charvel, not GMW.
                        Occupy JCF


                        • #13
                          Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                          I understand you're upset TEKKY, but Charvel fukked you, we didn't. I get your point just fine, but when one maker stiffs you, going to another is an acceptable option. Don't take your disappointment out on people who are sympathetic and trying to help.
                          Ron is the MAN!!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                            Look, I'm not going to debate with you Rich. Plain and simple, I don't want a GMW. To me, it is not an option. I know what I want. Unfortunately with the way Charvel handled the EVH Art Series I would have to wait much longer than necessary to get what I wanted.
                            Occupy JCF


                            • #15
                              Re: Matt\'s Music Center cheers, JCMI jeers

                              We don't need to debate, TEKKY. You don't need to bite off Rune's and my head because we mentioned a reasonable alternative. That's my point now. If you wanted the Charvel, sounds like they finally offered to get it out by January - very late, but it seems they made an effort, and January is only next month. You decided to cancel anyway. That's understandable, but again, don't take it out on people who were only trying to help. You talk of an insult to your intelligence at the same time you insult ours, not very cool.

                              I hope you find something you like since Charvel let you down.
                              Ron is the MAN!!!!

