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Mariner99 - Problems...

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  • Mariner99 - Problems...

    Looks like I've finally been burnt on the forums here.

    I grabbed a Warwick Rockstand 7 from Mariner99 (Thread here ) and I've not heard back from him.

    I asked him to wait until after Christmas to ship the stand and I PM'd him around the first of the month and he said that he'd been out of town and he'd send it off to me on the 3rd. Its the 16th and I've not recieved anything. He's not answering his PM's either.

    What makes it sad is that he ripped me off for $50. I could maybe understand him grabbing the money and running if it was like $1,000 or something like that but it isn't.. Its just $50 and a little warwick guitar stand. Oh well... Finally burnt in the thousands of dollars I've spent here.

    I wonder if anyone else has had any problems with him?

    Also, if I do recieve the stand, I will post here with an update letting everyone know that I've recieved it. I'm an understanding person so if he has a reasonably good excuse (hell, even a crappy excuse) I'll accept it. I just want the stand or my momey back... I'll settle for a Vetta II if anyone wants to help me feel better... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

    Well, he's usually monitoring if not posting, so if he hasn't been around he may well have some problems. L.A. area has been heavily hit by rains, floods and mudslides, so he might be homeless, injured or worse right now. I really doubt he'd cut and run with your $50, so try to relax and just keep PMing him.

    Just for future reference, when doing an Internet forum gear deal, exchange email addies and phone numbers as a matter of course. That way if someone's away from the board for whatever reason, you have other ways to reach 'em. If someone wants to sell you something but wn't give you their phone #, that's a hint right there something's amiss.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #3
      Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

      [ QUOTE ]
      Just for future reference, when doing an Internet forum gear deal, exchange email addies and phone numbers as a matter of course. That way if someone's away from the board for whatever reason, you have other ways to reach 'em. If someone wants to sell you something but wn't give you their phone #, that's a hint right there something's amiss.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Like I said above, if he does get me the stuff I'll gladly come in here and post praise and I do understand that things come up but in all the internet deals I've done I've never called a single person or been called. Perhaps my experience is a rare one but I've never found the need to communicate via that avenue..

      I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that there is probably something bad going down where he's at. So hopefully he's fine.


      • #4
        Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

        Sorry if I sounded critical with that part, I didn't really mean to. But for example, with Ebay if you did a deal you can get the guy's phone # and usually have the email after the deal anyway. It can be anything from medical problems to a computer crash, but if you have the phone # you can cut rght to the chase. Like I said, I didn't mean it as a criticism, just advice based on your case and others I've seen here in the Feedback section. I'm sure it'll turn out fine though.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #5
          Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

          I think you'll hear from Michael soon enough. He's a really good guy and I don't think he'd run away with $50. He was ripped off here in a classifieds deal a while back and didn't like the way it tasted. He's probably not looking to do the same to you.

          I'll see if I can dig up a phone number or alternate email address for you.
          Tarbaby Fraser.


          • #6
            Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

            <font color="aqua">I have also dealt with him on at least one occasion and it he was a great guy to deal with. I looked for an email addres but I can't seem to find it. Sorry, I couldn't be of more help bro. </font>
            Dave ->

            "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


            • #7
              Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

              Ok, well, I've managed to come up with some info and no obits for Michael Russell. So today I filed my claim at Paypal for the other Rockstand. It was a Christmas gift from my girlfriend, so it sucked when it did not show.
              Last contact I had from Michael was 1/10 saying there was a shipping oversight and he'd make sure it got on the truck personally the next couple days. It's been almost two weeks so I am beyond the 'benefit of doubt' stage.
              I know he was burned on a small deal here before...and that he has sold alot of items on this board and on eBay without problem. He seems to have a flawless feedback record on eBay in fact out of 150 transactions.

              However, he has not posted here since 12/25/04. He had replied to my PM on 1/10 and then the mudslides/storms did hit on 1/11 and 1/12 pretty hard.. so it is possible that something may have happened and I feel I have given the benefit of doubt to that senario.

              However, he had dropped off the items just before New Years with a guy who was a friend at Fed Ex. The story entails that the friend (who is a manager).. left on vacation without shipping the items and that he came back just before the mudslide deal. Well...if they were already at the facility, and aware of the problem, they should have mailed unless that particualr Fed Ex outlet was buried or cut off. This is beginning to sound like a scene from 'Castaway'

              Best I can locate is that the guy is in the Los Angeles area
              and that he is 50yr old. If you have any more specific address or a phone that would be great. In the meantime I have wrote to about 4 email addresses he has used without reply. I know he also has Yahoo messenger. I have come up with a few senarios on address and phone..those I will narrow down this weekend.

              He may be injured, he may be in jail, he may be dead..but I still have to consider this an item paid for without receipt and take the appropriate steps.

              Of course...all will be forgiven if he makes good on this.
              Again, his lack of posts here since Christmas and the fact he has been on the board or signed in to answer pm's post 12/25 does not have a good ring for a guy who is/or was a regular poster.

              I have asked the admins to monitor for his IP sign-in and hope they will let me know if and when he does. In the meantime..I am considering this as a bad deal.


              • #8
                Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                I hope the guy is not hospitalized or something.
                That would be the only thing I could think of besides he is ripping you off.


                • #9
                  Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                  If he was hospitalized.. it would have to be recent. Post 1/10/05, because he gave no indication of a problem on his end during last contact. According to him, the lax in shipment laid in fault with his not following up with a tracking number or ensuring shipment because the individual he left in charge of shipping the stands (who worked as a manager at a shipping outlet- Fed Ex) left on vacation and had locked the items in his office to ensure safety as it was to late to ship.
                  (this sounds fishy as well-but one can read alot into things when something afoul is suspect.)

                  The item was paid on 12/18/05 via paypal and funds were uploaded into his account on 12/22/04. I asked him to ship this before Christmas as it was a gift.. and he stated the funds didn't upload until 12/24/04 (Paypal sent notice it was 12/22)It is possible it took a couple days to load into his checking. That still leaves many days post Christmas to get the item shipped before New Years. I contacted him on 12/29 and again on 1/08. The reply on 1/10... he admitted fault to dropping the ball..but the fact he hadn't answered PM's sent by the other buyer in this post..Inearthed (Rob)is also indicating something is amiss here.

                  This guy changes paypal addys with the wind. I have two different emails attributed to his paypal account in the last six months. I haven't changed mine in years. To each their own.. I'll get to the bottom of it sooner or later.

                  ANY ADDRESS INFO OTHER THAN LA IS APPRECIATED! a street, a prefix..anything of that sort.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                    <font color="aqua">Well, I searched everything that I had Tom and unfortunately I have nothing on him. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] </font>
                    Dave ->

                    "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


                    • #11
                      Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                      Oddly enough.. he emailed me this afternoon..probably spurred by the activity yesterday. He's at work.. so not hospitalized..but the text of the email can be seen ... HERE!

                      While I am glad I have heard back from him. At this point, I won't get my hopes up any further till I see a tracking number.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                        Hope it works out.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                          I just dropped him another E-Mail concerning my lack of obtaining anything. Tom, could you PM me with the e-mail address you've been contacting him on?



                          • #14
                            Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                            <font color="aqua">Well that's a very good sign from Mike and I do hope he's ok as well. Please let us know how it works out for both of you. </font>
                            Dave ->

                            "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


                            • #15
                              Re: Mariner99 - Problems...

                              He is in Long Beach, CA
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

