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Kevin Easton

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  • Re: micha is the man!

    Sorry to bring this up again but I thought I'd give the quick update on my situation.

    It's the same. No money yet.

    I had massive health issues come up at the end of December and haven't been able to pursue getting my money back. I'm still not well so it seems as though I'm either never going to see my money again or it will be a very long time before I do. I don't know if I can even file a Claim since I can't show up in Texas because of this damn infection.

    Sorry to keep kicking this dead horse all.


    • Re: micha is the man!

      [ QUOTE ]
      Sorry to keep kicking this dead horse all.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Kevin's not dead yet. I wish this horse would die as it would mean the end of it. I still wonder if there are others out there that he has screwed and they don't know it yet?


      • Re: micha is the man!

        I really hope I'm the last one. This blows.

        One of the things that really pisses me off here is that I'm relatively close to him (I'm in New Mexico) but because of the infections and other bullshit medical crap I can't. God I'd love to just show up at his store and demand my money that very instant. I need to find a friend in Texas.....

        Sorry for the rant guys. I'll keep you updated still.

