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Rant! Flippers Suck!

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  • Rant! Flippers Suck!

    Guy, I haven't posted here much lately. I used to spend all day on the JCF. I started a new job about 8 months ago and work keeps me pretty busy during the day. Night time is for the family. I have managed to keep in touch with a few people off line.

    Anyway...I felt the need to post this. I'm all for making a buck. Capitalism is what makes this country great. I've flipped quite a few deals on Ebay to finance another purchase. But I have NEVER flipped a JCF deal and certainly not in our own classified section.

    I recently saw where someone attempted to flip a recent classifed purchase. Were not talking a lot of money, but it was a blatant attempt to flip. He pulled the post when I called him on it.

    Flipping a deal from the classifieds is IMHO, pretty freakin' low.

    Just my opinion...actual mileage may vary ;-)

  • #2
    It doesn't personally bother me.
    But then again, that is also just my opinion



    • #3
      txcharvel, long time brother, Still have you model 1C?

      As far as the flipping, unfortunately this isn't the old JCF anymore. I think it is passing some of us by. I guess flipping is something we'll have to accept with a growing board.


      • #4
        Originally posted by mudkicker View Post
        ...unfortunately this isn't the old JCF anymore. I think it is passing some of us by.
        I'm not the only one who feels this way, then...

        - E.
        Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


        • #5
          I've had it with this BS. Fact is, your a whining jealous liar. I am the so called "flipper" said liar is referring to. I thought we'd keep this discussion private, between us, but I guess not. Under the circumstances I'm happy to reveal the details. A few days ago I get an UNSOLICITED PM from the above whiner, complaining that I was selling an item in the JCF classifieds for more than he {get this} bought it for months and months ago!!!!!!!!!!!! Seems he felt that since he got it in a "bro" deal for $50.00, that I should sell it for the same. This was after he had sold it, and that person had sold it, and possibly someone else had also sold it. The item in question was NOT purchased on the JCF, I purchased it on ebay. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! How am I selling a "bro" deal when I bought it at auction on ebay?! Not only that, but the item had changed hands several times since you sold it. So, since your all for going public with your whiny complaints, how about retracting your BS scenario described above. I did not flip a "bro" deal. I did not buy the item off the JCF classifieds, and I did not profit in any great way whatsoever. Also, his statement that I "pulled" the item when he called me on it is more BS. I pulled the ad because it sold. All this coming from a guy that I sent a set of Jackson tuners to FREE OF CHARGE!...And he had the balls to complain they were "chewed up"! Un-freaking-real my friends. That's the fuck off and get a new hobby. I will buy, sell, & trade whatever I want, get a freaking life and stop worrying about my guitar deals.
          Originally posted by txcharvel View Post
          I recently saw where someone attempted to flip a recent classifed purchase. Were not talking a lot of money, but it was a blatant attempt to flip. He pulled the post when I called him on it. Flipping a deal from the classifieds is IMHO, pretty freakin' low. Just my opinion...actual mileage may vary ;-)
          Last edited by Mr Graphic; 11-16-2006, 10:59 AM.


          • #6
            friggin drama. got to love it


            • #7
              why should it matter what other people do with their purchases, from the JCF, eBay or pawnshops? If I bought a Charvel strathead in 2001 from the classified for $1000 should I not sell it today for what its worth?

              I could see you point if the guy bought it yesterday fromt he classified and threw it up on eBay the next couple days but again...people can do whatever they want wiht whatever they buy and from wherever they buy

              I hate to say it there is no true "bro's" anymore or JCF unity. I don't sell much but doubt I'd sell anything in JCF classified, too many tire kickers and lowball offers....I wouldnt expect someone who I dont know in person and only on a message board to cut me a better deal based just because we frequent the same board...


              • #8
                I don't know if I agree with you in "no true bro's left" there Shawnie.. There's one guy I think generally cares about some other people on this board..
                And that guy is Bill. Say what you will, but for not caring he spends a LOT of time trying to make you feel better if something's wrong!
                "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                • #9
                  Shawn is referring to bro's with regard to buying and selling, not hugging and kissing.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #10
                    I hate to say it there is no true "bro's" anymore or JCF unity. I don't sell much but doubt I'd sell anything in JCF classified, too many tire kickers and lowball offers....I wouldn't expect someone who I don't know in person and only on a message board to cut me a better deal based just because we frequent the same board...
                    There never were BRO on the JCF. The collecting mentality of charvels hasn't been of that mindset for 10 years. This doesn't mean that there wasn't the occasional nice guy but there are a lot of opportunists here and in these circles in general. It is a market that has become driven by greed..

                    The collectors mentality from years ago was that these boards were set up for the few to take from the masses. That was the way it was dealt with.

                    I had 1 Bro deal and that was Doc Dryer years ago who had an ebayed Jackson that he gave me a better JCF deal on. On the flip side I had a guy try to get a guitar from me in a trade where he wanted my guitar and $1000 cash. When he eventually listed his guitar for sale it would have worked out I was getting $700 for a guitar I had just paid $1500 for plus handing him $1000

                    Another one was a deal where it was a trade or cash deal and when I inquired what the person might be interested in trade I was told the value of what he expected which was HUNDREDS of dollars over the cash value he was looking for ....

                    There are no bro deals here unless you have made friends with people OFF the board... Then you'll get bro deals from them ..
                    Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                    • #11
                      Bro... got a hairpick?.. my fro needs a little attention.

                      dude.. Pat is an upstanding guy and has done alot of giving to the JCF. I for one hate to see this out in public but it is what it is I guess.


                      • #12
                        I have had a few BRO experiences....

                        charveljunkie-Tony posted pics of his newly aquired guitar, the NOS Gold 87 RR. I sent a pm asking for first dibs if the day ever came to sell. That day came and he gave me a price that was SURELY 5-600 less than he could have gotten on ebay.

                        FirebirdV-Chris is just an outstanding guy. I have hung out at his house. We have done a large trade deal in the past and he has helped me out with parts and stuff too. I would not hesitate to buy from or sell to him.

                        Budman68-well, Dave has helped me out in the past, so much. He never said no when I needed help or parts. The guy would get the shirt off my back without question.

                        jk2171-John is another guy that could have gotten more for a KV2 on ebay, but he sold it to me at an incredible price.

                        bonghits-Mike helped me out in a time when I needed spare cash. In return, HE got a bro deal on a Custom RR.

                        rjohnstone- hooked me up big.

                        Joe, Ivan, Ken and others I have met all are nice guys, and I would help them any way I could.

                        There are still nice guys I consider "bros" that hang here.
                        Last edited by StukaJU87; 11-16-2006, 11:55 AM.
                        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                        • #13
                          If I sell something, it´s gone. If the buyer sells it next day for 10 times the amount, that´s not of my business. If I sold on a low price because I want to do someone else a favour and that person flips it right away for profit, I might consider not repeating such deal. I certainly would not complain.

                          On the other hand, if I pay for something it´s mine. If I part it out, it´s my business. If I spray it black with a rattle can and put it up somewhere with two screws drilled right in the body - it is my party (like the guys at the Hard-Rock Cafe). Unless the seller insists on certain requirements beforehand - but I´d never enter into such deal in this case.

                          Seriuosly, I don´t live on guitar trading nor did I ever drill a hole in any guitar, but a deal to me is money for any item, nothing more, even if it´s a guitar.


                          • #14
                            Aw, man. I clicked on this thread because I thought it said " Rant! Slippers Fuck!"

                            The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.



                            • #15
                              Flipper is dead?!?
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

