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Quakka = 1 hateful dude

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  • #91
    actually, In my view..I lost a job once because of a spillover from a situation on here and how it was handled. There were already other circumstances in play at work of course..but, a deal fell thru on an item I had made a payment on and it really ticked me off just before goin into work for the day. The deal was relative to the JCF because it was discussed here, and involved another member.
    Instead of holding my tongue, I got some things off my chest.. I went in and kinda went off on my boss.. tactfully of course but I was not in a mood to take any shit from anyone anymore .. especially my sole co-worker on nights who, in my view, was a pretty big redneck and had been in my view rather a dick almost every day, namely because he thought he was in charge. We hit it off so well 5 years prior at another company, that he threatened to bring his gun into work and shoot 'somebody' out in the parking lot. Next few days...the dept was downsized-last hired, first to go-but it was all pretty much relative to personality conflicts.

    So, not only did I get myself f-d out of a nice Charvel I wanted, but also my income. It wasn't a good day.

    I did find another job tho at no loss of income.
    Last edited by charvelguy; 04-30-2007, 08:34 AM.


    • #92
      Spin the black circle.

      [email protected]


      • #93


        • #94
          Spin the black circle.

          [email protected]


          • #95
            did you have a happy three some recently shawn?


            • #96
              Sorry to hear you lost your job over that Tom. Of course I nearly had a heart attack over the grief you gave me that day too.

              If you'd finished paying for the guitar on time instead of blowing me off as you bought another guitar on Ebay, you wouldn't have lost that deal. You knew I needed the money for heart, blood pressurre and diabetes meds, but you "didn't think it was THAT important". Your words. You also said you COULD'VE paid me on time anyway, but it was inconvenient to move money from one account to another. Meanwhile the sale price of that guitar didn't even pay for a month's meds at the rate they cost me then. Now it would onlty cover 2 weeks.

              So again, I really am sorry you lost that job, but think about how you got into that situation. You profess to be a Christian, maybe look at the situation with a little humility. You felt f-ed out of a deal, I had my life and health at risk. I did what I had to do to survive, and you were 2 weeks late, with another guitar in the pipeline while you "couldn't" pay me.

              Originally posted by charvelguy View Post
              actually, In my view..I lost a job once because of a spillover from a situation on here and how it was handled. There were already other circumstances in play at work of course..but, a deal fell thru on an item I had made a payment on and it really ticked me off just before goin into work for the day. The deal was relative to the JCF because it was discussed here, and involved another member.
              Instead of holding my tongue, I got some things off my chest.. I went in and kinda went off on my boss.. tactfully of course but I was not in a mood to take any shit from anyone anymore .. especially my sole co-worker on nights who, in my view, was a pretty big redneck and had been in my view rather a dick almost every day, namely because he thought he was in charge. We hit it off so well 5 years prior at another company, that he threatened to bring his gun into work and shoot 'somebody' out in the parking lot. Next few days...the dept was downsized-last hired, first to go-but it was all pretty much relative to personality conflicts.

              So, not only did I get myself f-d out of a nice Charvel I wanted, but also my income. It wasn't a good day.

              I did find another job tho at no loss of income.
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #97
                It was 3 days late Rich...3 days. I know how it is Rich..the 3 days it took to reply before I found out and wanted to make amend to that senario did not matter to you IMO, because 7 days was the term. Downpayment be damned. Again, I'm still kickin as are you. Believe me, I would have rathered it would have worked out for the better for both of us.
                Last edited by charvelguy; 04-30-2007, 12:52 PM.


                • #98
                  As far as the grief I gave you.. you lived through Hurricane Katrina just fine too. I was pissed, but I was also very controlled in my discussing the matter with you on the phone, you were the one making the threats to get me booted. Also, I believe you were being subsidized in your med costs by the good will of church donations at the time, No?.
                  On the 7th day, you filed a NPB against me, even tho I had paid for half or close to it. I have the emails.
                  I also believe you still had possession of the guitar when I spoke with you on the phone when I tried to amend it and you still did not want to sell it to me because you had resold it to the second highest bidder.

                  Your advice.. "maybe you should stop buying so many guitars"
                  Last edited by charvelguy; 04-30-2007, 01:09 PM.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by charvelguy View Post
                    As far as the grief I gave you.. you lived through Hurricane Katrina just fine too. I was pissed, but I was also very controlled in my discussing the matter with you on the phone, you were the one making the threats to get me booted. Also, I believe you were being subsidized in your med costs by the good will of church donations at the time, No?.
                    On the 7th day, you filed a NPB against me, even tho I had paid for half or close to it. I have the emails.
                    I also believe you still had possession of the guitar when I spoke with you on the phone when I tried to amend it and you still did not want to sell it to me because you had resold it to the second highest bidder.

                    Your advice.. "maybe you should stop buying so many guitars"
                    Actually I was on a waiting list for the church, which I got onto later. At the time I didn't have that, it took 6 months to get into that program. My advice was that you shouldn't be buying more guitars when you hadn't paid me yet.

                    $200 on a $600 guitar is not "half or close to it". And when I talked to you I had already refunded your money by Paypal, again because:

                    1. I needed more meds.
                    2. You were putting me off yet again.
                    3. The other guy, who'd been in touch with me for 2 weeks. paid in full immediately.

                    You didn't bother to call me on the phone until you got your refund. Then, as you browbeat me verbally about it, you even bragged that you HAD the money and could have paid me anytime, but you didn't want to move it around.

                    Your point was that you "were good for it" but that it was inconvenient for you to pay at the time you'd agreed to. You knew quite well that I was in dire need to be selling the guitar. If I'd been on the St. VDP plan I wouldn't have sold that guitar.

                    Plus, you were on the outs with your girlfriend at the time because she was bent about you buying guitars.

                    Point being, who was out of line with more people at that point in time? You jerked my chain, you jerked your gf's chain, and then you went in and got fired. So whose behavior led to you getting fired? Mine? or yours?

                    I really am sorry you lost your job, but I didn't get you fired. You were pissed because you figuired you could make me wait, and it didn't work out for you. So you got pissed and took it out on your boss. That was you who did that, not me.
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • that pic is funny as all fuck Shawn! Is the guy with the s on his helmet you? lol. seriously that pic is fucking hillarious! i am tearing here!


                      • and 2 weeks is not the length of time either. You had someone else who was interested in the guitar and they likely emailed you post auction. 7 days, NPB was filed, refund was issued.. I do not check my email daily that is associated with that account.

                        3 days late, I offered to pay u in full. k?

                        Take my advice.. get off the soapbox.
                        Last edited by charvelguy; 04-30-2007, 02:11 PM.


                        • I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                          - Newc


                          • Originally posted by charvelguy View Post
                            and 2 weeks is not the length of time either. You had someone else who was interested in the guitar and they likely emailed you post auction. 7 days, NPB was filed, refund was issued.. I do not check my email daily that is associated with that account.

                            3 days late, I offered to pay u in full. k?

                            Take my advice.. get off the soapbox.
                            So you're the guy who was in violation and I'M on a soapbox? If that's what you need to tell yourself. It was two weeks, plus you already knew that I had had a previous auction where the buyer strung me along, then reneged. I discussed this with you before you ever decided to bid. So you knew that in reality I had needed the money a month before, yet you decided I could wait while you bought something else.

                            The Katrina comment kind of went by me befroe, from your previousw post. Did I disappoint you by surviving that? Wishing death on someone because he called you on being late is a bit much, don't you think?
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • You're kinda just fucked in the head I think if you believe I wish you didn't survive Katrina.

                              I also believe that if discussing the issue was so dangerous to your health, you'd want to avoid it.

                              whats that Tim? you want to step in and start some shit on this too?
                              Last edited by charvelguy; 04-30-2007, 03:08 PM.


                              • Doesn't get much more "metal" than this. Only one appropriate response to this thread and that's BIG RED.

