Thanks to my uberbroseph for sending me my new monitor.
I got it yesterday, and haven't hooked it up yet. My wife talked to Tommy when I was outside motherfuggin mother nature, and giving her the finger for dumping a foot of snow on my ass..while I have the stomach flu. There is NOTHING worse than having to snowblow while having the shitz!!!

Then my snowblower fuggin broke. I am NOT having a good day! I need to roll a fatty! Its been a while since I did that.
Thank you fuggin' rule supreme man!!!
Broseppi "Sweet William", (that's the name he put on the UPS package)..

Then my snowblower fuggin broke. I am NOT having a good day! I need to roll a fatty! Its been a while since I did that.

Thank you fuggin' rule supreme man!!!

Broseppi "Sweet William", (that's the name he put on the UPS package)..
