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So I went to the Falcons game last night ....

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  • So I went to the Falcons game last night ....

    So I went to the Falcons game last night ....

    I figured first things first, and started drinking early(as the price of beer is insane). Then my bassist and I took the marta to the dome, once we arrived we started drinking said overpriced beer!!!

    Then it was time for a hike up to nose bleed seats ....

    Time for kickoff ~

    Enjoying the game

    Holy shit now I've been enjoying libations and need to have a smoke, so it's time for a hike down to the smoking area. I'm always making new friends(must be my sparkling personality)

    Wow these seats really suck .....

    So, after a quick ride in the service elevator ~ we find a much better vantage point ....

    Oh yeah, I love the fall. Decent weather and football, and it's almost hockey season too
    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...

  • #2
    That a boy!!!
    The Falcs are looking good right now, especially with the addition of Gonzalez at tight end. Between him, The Burner, Ryan, Roddy,etc. I say they win 11 games and make the playoffs, I have a soft spot for the Falcons, always have.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #3
      Thats cool. Anytime you can go check out a pro football live, its a great time. I say 10-6 for the Falcon this year.


      • #4
        I'll need to setup an account with Atomic Books this year, gotta link?

        Send me the winners Tommy, let's hurt somebody!

        I got 2 fresh books to kill this year! I've killed the last 3, they said they couldn't take my play after about 8 weeks and I always get hosed for the playoffs! FKN slakkers!

        Oh and Jay, those nose bleeds are the best for football, especially on the corners, don't miss many plays from there, not that the endzone and the tail is anything to shake...
        Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


        • #5
          Young Patrick,
          i would just love to post the weekly and latest lines from atomic Books this season.
          There's only one catch, we only collect we do not pay out!!!-lol
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • #6
            Tommy I also feel like it's a playoff year, I'm more of a bills fan(waiting for dec 17?). However the bills still have a lot of work to do, and the addition of big mouth Owens was in my opinion a poor decision!!! Plus the whole offensive line is new(WTF), so it may be one ugly season. Which will prolly mean the departure of Coach Jauron.

            I'd hoped we would have a jcf FF league, but there didn't seem to be much interest =(
            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


            • #7
              Jay, if you go to another Falcons game this year, let me know. I'll meet you there.

              The last Falcons game I went to was the Thanksgiving game vs. my Indy Colts a few seasons ago.
              MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


              • #8
                the Falcs mean business Jaybaby, did you see them last night? the bills have a decent defense, and lynch at RB but T.O. stands for "Team Obliterator", if he doesn't get the ball 29 times a half he'll
                start barking in the press and make the bills lockerroom a huge headache.
                may i ask if there is a more wonderful time of year upon us? I say no. Before you know it, we will have the NFL, MLB playoffs and the NHL all at once. I'm welling up in the eyes right now. Beauty can do that to a person.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #9
                  Fucking hell, you were smoking with Rocky George! And then you saw my wife-to-be! (Not Wilksy-Baby, I mean the cheerleader. Any fucking cheerleader, just send me one, Express Delivery, and don't forget to put holes in the box this time)
                  So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                  I nearly broke her back


                  • #10
                    Quite sorry Mr. Smacker, I even poled these young ladies .....

                    But it turns out that they really don't care for fake burberry caps , berghaus jackets and such

                    Just fukin with ya !!!

                    We know you're not a charver
                    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                      the bills have a decent defense, and lynch at RB .
                      I like the defense, they're really going to have to work hard this year(with the no huddle non sense(it takes away from controlling the clock)). However I really like Fred Jackson, a young double threat at wideout and RB!!!

                      We will see how it plays out, the AFC east promises to be a competitor this year!
                      Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                      • #12
                        I tell ya Jaybaby, I'd play fantasy but I started to play it back in '87, by 2003 i was done. A little overdone for my liking. i just want to watch my jets underachieve in peace once again this year-lol
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                          Fucking hell, you were smoking with Rocky George! And then you saw my wife-to-be! (Not Wilksy-Baby, I mean the cheerleader. Any fucking cheerleader, just send me one, Express Delivery, and don't forget to put holes in the box this time)
                          fuck mate, you've lowered your standards, from companions who know what's fun.. well you know.. GILFs who fancy tasting some onion ring while you shat yourself and munters shaking your purple helmet head while lubeing it with their piss to fookin' cheerleaders... they are some thick twats... erm.. I mean... ahh nevermind
                          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                          • #14
                            Well I don't want any that are clever, fucking hell that'd be asking for trouble. No, so long as she can drive me to the pub and work the hoover, iron and kitchen implements, as well as stand up and touch her toes with her legs straight (kissing her own knees, obviously), then that's good for me.

                            Look at that last pic from Jay, not a stretch mark or flabby "Breezer Gunt" in sight. (They'd soon get stretch marks round their mouths though....)
                            So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                            I nearly broke her back

