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I'm getting back in the saddle!

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  • I'm getting back in the saddle!

    Stoked! Stokedstokedstokedstokedstoked!

    I've been out of work for the last 6 months as a direct result of the financial crisis. I've been getting by, but I haven't been able to afford anything extra, (this is what has kept me from becoming a platinum member here for instance). Slowly but surely money's been running out, and I've been dreading the day when I'd have to let go of my amp and my two Charvels. During this time, I've been applying for every job I could find between graphical design and industry work.

    Now it seems like I may be getting back on track! I got a call this morning, from a company needing to hire aluminium welders a.s.a.p! Nothing to think twice about; "Yes sir, see you on monday!"

    I'm lucky to have the license for alu welding, and some experience working it. I will have to move 190 miles for this job, but DAYYM does it feel good!

  • #2
    Good luck!
    Blank yo!


    • #3
      funny, over here there's a huge need for welders or anyone who can do anything... there was a huge trend, everyone studied "business"... now there's a bunch of "business leaders" without any job and lack of real specialists and engineers.
      and funny is that now those not so prestigious jobs pay a lot more as they used to because there's a deficit for them... but still nothing to compare with Scandinavia where the wages are one of the highest in the world
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • #4
        Excellent news, Sunbane! Good luck!
        MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


        • #5
          Thanks guys!

          Originally posted by Endrik View Post
          funny, over here there's a huge need for welders or anyone who can do anything... there was a huge trend, everyone studied "business"... now there's a bunch of "business leaders" without any job and lack of real specialists and engineers.
          Yeah, we've had a similar development here. There is a deficit of almost all kinds of craftsmen in Sweden, and it will get worse, because a many of them are close to retirement age. On the other hand we have a crapload of unemployed journalists, actors and professionally educated musicians. Media and music has been overhyped for years, and everyone wants to have their face on TV.

          The thing with the financial crisis though, was how everything came to a grinding halt. Although there was still a genuine need for products and services, no one had the balls to invest in anything. Instead of purchasing new equipment, companies closed their purses and made do with what they had. For a while during summer, nobody would hire, and absolutely nothing happened at the employment agencies.

          The last few weeks have seen a notable difference though.


          • #6
            Congrats indeed bro.
            Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

            "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

            I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

            Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


            • #7
              That's good news bro, congrats.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sunbane View Post
                On the other hand we have a crapload of unemployed journalists, actors and professionally educated musicians. Media and music has been overhyped for years, and everyone wants to have their face on TV.
                Sounds like LA.. heh
                The musicians don't have problems over here, educated or non-educated, if you are willing to play crap, then you don't have any problems making bread over here. And what I mean by crap means totally unlistenable by world standards... that's how all the music sounds here.
                I've heard good things about Swedish music schools (utter shite over here) which have pretty relaxed vibe and more modern approach, specializing on modern jazz etc. as nu-jazz/fusion level is very high in Sweden. My good friend really wants to go there.

                As far as the actors go, maybe they are jobless because Sweden has higher standards. I've never heard problems for actors over here because every hack seems to get a job. Not only we make the worst music in the world but also the worst films and tv series. The actors are laughable. They are only good in the theater. You guys have at least many high level actors and directors over the years including a dude who definitely belongs to Top5 of Greatest directors ever. What we have is absolute crap. Even a friggin 3'rd world countries in Africa make high class films, but not us.

                The thing with the financial crisis though, was how everything came to a grinding halt. Although there was still a genuine need for products and services, no one had the balls to invest in anything. Instead of purchasing new equipment, companies closed their purses and made do with what they had. For a while during summer, nobody would hire, and absolutely nothing happened at the employment agencies.
                Yeah, that was the biggest problem. People and companies who didn't have any problems at all suddenly got tight because they heard that there's a crisis. That made the situation 10 times worse. The problem wasn't the lack of money but that the money wasn't in the circulation anymore.

                Our biggest problem was with the real estate. I remember that in the early 90's our construction workers were a bunch of bums. They had absolutely the lowest income.
                In the mid 00's those bums were one of the wealthiest in the working class. Real estate prices were up. Everyone was building a house. There's bazillion new houses everywhere. And many of them in the most ridiculous places. Near the highway on a wet soiled field.
                I was like... for who are these houses made? What people are gonna live there?
                And those bums were of course bums. Fucking stupid, now they had money but didn't know what to do with it and wasted it on stupid crap.
                And now they are again, just a bunch of bums.

                And my cousin made a huge fucking mistake, he worked in Sweden with his girlfriend. He made roofs. Had a great income. Then the girlfriend got pregnant. They came back here just because the child would be in a fucking homeland. Holy shit, I can't believe my relative,who happens to be my best friend, acted so stupid. To actually come here to get paid 3-4 times less if that as there's not much to do and making the kid grow up in a nation full of drunken uncultured retards.

                Good luck with the welding, by the way welding in our language also means to play fast, loud and heavy guitar
                "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                  Good luck with the welding, by the way welding in our language also means to play fast, loud and heavy guitar
                  Haha, that's awesome!


                  • #10
                    Best of luck with the move and the new job.

                    The skilled labor pool took a major hit in the tech boom, and it's pretty difficult to find someone who is willing to get dirty at work anymore. Everyone wants to make $80.00 an hour hitting the "enter" key for Google, then stop on the way home and get a new Cadillac at Wal Mart for $1.95.

                    They are afraid where I work that as slow as business is right now, I may take my welding skills elsewhere, but there are too many people out there who need a job for me to start looking yet..
                    Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


                    • #11
                      Congrats on the new gig- There's no keeping a good man down!

