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a thought on imports.

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  • a thought on imports.

    Main Entry: 1im·port
    Pronunciation: \im-ˈpȯrt, ˈim-ˌ\
    Function: verb
    Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin importare to bring in, cause, signify, from Latin, to bring in, cause, from in- + portare to carry — more at fare
    Date: 15th century
    transitive verb
    1 a : to bear or convey as meaning or portent : signify b archaic : express, state c : imply
    2 : to bring from a foreign or external source: as a : to bring (as merchandise) into a place or country from another country b : to transfer (as files or data) from one format to another usually within a new file
    3 archaic : to be of importance to : concern

    USA made guitars, for the most part, set the standard for guitars world wide.
    The USA manufacturers go over seas to save a few bucks and build less expensive guitars and import them around the world including back to the US. Hence we have the term "Import".
    Wouldn't every USA made guitar that is shipped and sold anywhere but the USA be considered an import to that country as well?
    Fender, Gibson and others make EURO,Japan, Australia releases only. Usually made in the USA or Japan or wherever but only released in that country so its technically an import as well.
    Kramer and Esp both had Japan only releases of guitars because of copyright and trademark infringements in the US.

    I guess what I'm getting at unless it's built in the country you live in.. No matter use others words...It's just a cheap ass import !!!

  • #2
    Good point,never thought of it like that.But I don't care if it was made in Zimbabwe if it plays like a champ.....................
    Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........

