So, Danger Danger preformed a special one off gig last night and I was fortunate enough to be there. It was the best show I've been to in years and the whole crowd was singing along. At one point, Ted even got down into the crowd and was taking pictures with the audience as he did shots with them, while singing. Man it was cool.
....Anyway- Robert Marcello was there shredding away. I've seen a lot of great players in my day, but damn, that guy is amazing. He might be the best guitarist I've ever seen. (Sorry Carlos, Eddie, Vai, Satch, Cheney). His playing was brilliant. He was sweep picking everything on a black with with polka dot Caparison, and never missed a note. If only more people knew about him. When he started soloing my jaw would just drop
It was a truly magnificent show!

....Anyway- Robert Marcello was there shredding away. I've seen a lot of great players in my day, but damn, that guy is amazing. He might be the best guitarist I've ever seen. (Sorry Carlos, Eddie, Vai, Satch, Cheney). His playing was brilliant. He was sweep picking everything on a black with with polka dot Caparison, and never missed a note. If only more people knew about him. When he started soloing my jaw would just drop

It was a truly magnificent show!
