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Band drama

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  • Band drama

    Here's the situation.

    Our singer isn't very good, but he gets us 90% of our gigs and also plays synth, which is a fairly large part of our sound.

    The other guitarist and drummer want to get a new singer. The bass player wants to get an additional singer.

    I'm not sure what I want. We're all friends and there are going to be a lot of hurt feelings no matter what. But I agree that he's kind of limiting us with his lack of vocal abilities.

    Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Got any live videos? Based on how bad he is, we can probably give better judgement. But, if you can convince him to give up the primary singing duties, but keep him in the band for keys, that is probably your best option.


    • #3
      Yeah, quite a few. Another concern is that we're already a 5 piece. Adding a sixth would make the stage very crowded.

      (warning, the music isn't for's a tad strange)


      • #4
        Loved the song! He's different! He's the sort of singer I would have wanted for my band. but after I left, they got a typical "scream at the top of your lungs" singer and now the band is just like a million bands out there.

        But hey, you've gotta do what you gotta do! Nice song and great mix! I could hear both guitars just fine!

        EDIT: Are you trying to get rid of him because he's wearing a helmet?


        • #5
          as long as you don't plan on making a living out of your music; I'd keep him.
          I think he really isn't that bad at all. as long as the chemestry is working insde your band, I'd put the priorites there. maybe you can convince him to get a vocal-coach or something to improve...
          but I didn't dislike your singer at all.

          I play in a five-head-hobby-band myself, and I don't know how things work with your band, but I'm glad to get all five people together on the weekends.
          they all have different jobs and lifes, one even has got a daughter already, and finding free time together isn't always easy.
          rehearsals with one of these five missing aren't that rare at all, and considering having a sixth fullmember in my band, I doubt this would make things easier.
          many people always stand for many complications IMO.

          the only thing I think was weird about your singer is that he wasn't singing to the crowd at all. he should improve his stage apearance (the outfit was great though... ).
          just turn the keys towards the crowd and interact a little more and everything would at least look and feel better.
          and maybe enccourage him to get his head up once in a while.
          should be better for his breathing anyway, and it looks really weird if he's curved like a shrimp the whole gig...

          but I kind of liked your style. it was refreshing and interessting. I'd be glad to have a local band like you around!!
          tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


          • #6
            When I clicked this I thought for sure that someone had pissed themselves in someone bucket seat.

            Carry on.


            • #7
              Dude I would be concerned about 3 things

              1-) How serious do you plan to get with this band?

              I mean if it's only fun for you then you might not want to hurt a friend's feelings. Think about 3 years ahead of now. What will you think when the band breaks up, will you regret your decision to replace the singer? I mean you can always come across an asshole who can sing great

              2-) What's his composing abilities? Can he sing good in a recording situation?

              There are lots of great musicians (singers) who can't perform well live. The first one I can think of is Disturbed's singer. I haven't seen him singing well live If his composing abilites are good and if he can do ok on a recording situation, then I would prefer to keep him.

              3-) Does he get any girls after the gigs?

              If no he's a keeper, if yes dump him then find an ugly bastard
              Check my bands!


              • #8
                Originally posted by NextInLine View Post
                Dude I would be concerned about 3 things

                1-) How serious do you plan to get with this band?

                I mean if it's only fun for you then you might not want to hurt a friend's feelings. Think about 3 years ahead of now. What will you think when the band breaks up, will you regret your decision to replace the singer? I mean you can always come across an asshole who can sing great

                2-) What's his composing abilities? Can he sing good in a recording situation?

                There are lots of great musicians (singers) who can't perform well live. The first one I can think of is Disturbed's singer. I haven't seen him singing well live If his composing abilites are good and if he can do ok on a recording situation, then I would prefer to keep him.

                3-) Does he get any girls after the gigs?

                If no he's a keeper, if yes dump him then find an ugly bastard
                1. We'd like to be serious enough to play at the bigger clubs in the area (and draw a crowd), but not for a career.

                2. He contributes a little bit with lyrics but nothing musically.

                3. It's a metal show...what girls?

                To the others, thanks for the comments. I'm never sure if people like our songs or if they're just being nice. Out of curiosity, which recordings are you watching?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                  1. We'd like to be serious enough to play at the bigger clubs in the area (and draw a crowd), but not for a career.

                  2. He contributes a little bit with lyrics but nothing musically.

                  3. It's a metal show...what girls?

                  To the others, thanks for the comments. I'm never sure if people like our songs or if they're just being nice. Out of curiosity, which recordings are you watching?
                  I would try to keep him then

                  I watched the "mojo 13" ones. One of them had a spelling error "mogo 13"

                  And my honest opinion about your songs. There are a lot of cool ideas but they don't seem to connect well. which I think you will get better at, in time

                  Good luck!
                  Check my bands!


                  • #10
                    keep him. he is unique and his spaceman outfit (or whatever) gives you guys an image. if the other guys want to replace him just tell them that none of them are all that mega-spectacular and that until each is a true master of his instrument or provides a unique visual element to the band then nobody can talk. as far as your singer's stage prescence, he does need to face the crowd and work a bit harder to be a front guy.

                    if he gets 90% of the gigs then that says a lot. i really don't think HE will keep you from getting a following. the oddity of your music will make it hard to get a following. your material is cool, but getting a different singer will NOT make it more accessible.

                    another thing you could say to your band mates is that when they can book enough shows to compensate for his shows then it's up for discussion. truthfully though, keep him. he fits the music perfectly.

                    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                    and finally....

                    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vass View Post
                      When I clicked this I thought for sure that someone had pissed themselves in someone bucket seat.

                      Carry on.
                      Same here. I'm sure Ade is still available.
                      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                      I nearly broke her back


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Vass View Post
                        When I clicked this I thought for sure that someone had pissed themselves in someone bucket seat.

                        Carry on.
                        I think I just pissed myself!


                        • #13
                          I think hes pretty decent, especially for your style of music, he fits right in no question about it. How is he as a person? Cool dude? Ego?
                          Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


                          • #14
                            That's the thing, he works hard for the band and doesn't have an ego at all. If anything he's a bit shy, and I think that's the cause of his lack of presence on stage, and the drama about his vocal abilities.

                            Our music is strange and I doubt we'll find a singer who's as into it as he is.

                            However, I really enjoy playing with them, and there aren't many metal bands in my area. If it came to it, I'd be forced to go with the majority.


                            • #15
                              Hey! you guys have your own sound and don't sound like you're trying to copy somebody else. That counts for a lot by itself. I didn't think the vocalist was that bad at all. I think if the band gave him more encouragement, positive instead of negative he might actually surprise you. You said he finds most of the gigs has no ego problem (that's a big plus) and works hard for the band. I'm afraid I have to agree with the prior poster ...TELL THE OTHER GUYS TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP....until they can bring in the gigs or sing better than him. Time together will sort all of this out. I couldnt hear any back up vocals. Maybe the rest of you should work on supporting him vocally as well. This would do wonders to the over all image and sound of the group and help everyone realize what a challenge singing and playing really is. I think this would help stop a lot of complaining and actually bring the group together more. Hang in there, You have an original sound you all get along and have it, it can only get better.

